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Perguntas Q&A Brian Vaughn #7

Closed matheus1lva closed 6 years ago

matheus1lva commented 6 years ago

Seguindo mesmo estilo do Q&A passado da sophie, mandem suas perguntas para Brian Vaughn.

Mandem suas perguntas em inglês se possível. Caso o contrario pode postar em PT-BR que ela será traduzida.

gvarandas commented 6 years ago

In your perspective, how different is to develop products that target developers than other kind of customers (like common web applications)? Are they more demanding? Is the usual feedback more "crude" and "harsh" (developers can be wild animals sometimes).

fakenickels commented 6 years ago

Do you think native ReasonML is the future for the React Native project? What are your thoughts on it?

sibelius commented 6 years ago

What is still missing on React DevTools?

sibelius commented 6 years ago

How did you started react virtualized project?

sibelius commented 6 years ago

How React suspense will change react dev tools?

sibelius commented 6 years ago

How async react will improve virtualized lists?

guilherme6191 commented 6 years ago

Is there a source for best practices for React you guys use or that you'd recommend?

fakenickels commented 6 years ago

What are you feelings towards the context API? Do you think that it is going to stay around for longer or some other best approach is coming?

fakenickels commented 6 years ago

Do you know if an official Relay port to ReasonReact will be coming in the near future?

sibelius commented 6 years ago

Which strategies of defer render React will provide? defer render on client, defer render on server

lucasferreira commented 6 years ago

What is the thing between react-virtualized and react-window? I got it that react-window has a few less resources than react-virtualized, but why create another project to deal with "large lists"?

afonsodelgado commented 6 years ago

We know that besides your work on Facebook and React, you also do some (really awesome) work on music composition and producing. How it is for you to handle both of these passions? Do you think they interfere with each other? Does music knowledge help you to be a better programmer and vice-versa?

diegohaz commented 6 years ago

Will React suspense replace the static getInitialProps method to fetch data on SSR projects?

diegohaz commented 6 years ago

In your opinion, what's the best approach to measuring perfomance of React libraries?

diegohaz commented 6 years ago

How was the process for you to start working at Facebook?

pietrofxq commented 6 years ago

Which books do you think every developer should read?

tcodes0 commented 6 years ago

Which book do you think every frontend developer should read today? Besides Kyle Simpson's "You Don't Know JS". 🙂

sibelius commented 6 years ago

what about instead of throwing a promise, we could use async await functions, generator and async iterators for components? much like this package

matheus1lva commented 6 years ago

How the idea to create react suspense started and why?

bvaughn commented 6 years ago

Thank you!