react-brasil / reactconfbr-app

React Conf BR App built with create-react-native-app
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Add screen: Home #3

Open heloa-net opened 7 years ago

heloa-net commented 7 years ago


@lucasbento Do these links work well with ex-navigation?

lucasbento commented 7 years ago

Yeah, definitely.

These will be only simple TouchableOpacitys with a push to a route.

heloa-net commented 7 years ago

I think they could each have a different color and use that same color on each screen's respective header... is that possible?

lucasbento commented 7 years ago

@she-dev: hmm, yes, wondering if it would look good against the logo with the blue and the dark background.

heloa-net commented 7 years ago

Too colorful maybe? I can try alterning the main colors too, one blue, one dark. But then it would be too blue-and-dark.

lucasbento commented 7 years ago

@she-dev: hmm, not sure...

I think it's better to decide once we get the screen running, for now we can keep the buttons with a blue background.

Use your imagination though, we can try with a few colors to see how they look.