react-chess / chessground

Chessground React Wrapper
GNU General Public License v3.0
29 stars 5 forks source link

Utility Type, Partial, not required. #11

Closed Amir837 closed 2 years ago

Amir837 commented 2 years ago


interface Props {
  width?: number
  height?: number
  contained?: boolean;
  config?: Partial<Config>

Partial not required, because all properties in Config inteface are already opitonal by default. chessground/src/config.ts

export interface Config {
  fen?: cg.FEN; // chess position in Forsyth notation
  orientation?: cg.Color; // board orientation. white | black
  turnColor?: cg.Color; // turn to play. white | black
  check?: cg.Color | boolean; // true for current color, false to unset
  lastMove?: cg.Key[]; // squares part of the last move ["c3", "c4"]
  selected?: cg.Key; // square currently selected "a1"
  coordinates?: boolean; // include coords attributes
  autoCastle?: boolean; // immediately complete the castle by moving the rook after king move
  viewOnly?: boolean; // don't bind events: the user will never be able to move pieces around
  disableContextMenu?: boolean; // because who needs a context menu on a chessboard
  addPieceZIndex?: boolean; // adds z-index values to pieces (for 3D)
  addDimensionsCssVars?: boolean; // add --cg-width and --cg-height CSS vars containing the board's dimensions to the document root
  blockTouchScroll?: boolean; // block scrolling via touch dragging on the board, e.g. for coordinate training
  // pieceKey: boolean; // add a data-key attribute to piece elements
  highlight?: {
    lastMove?: boolean; // add last-move class to squares
    check?: boolean; // add check class to squares
  animation?: {
    enabled?: boolean;
    duration?: number;
  movable?: {
    free?: boolean; // all moves are valid - board editor
    color?: cg.Color | 'both'; // color that can move. white | black | both | undefined
    dests?: cg.Dests; // valid moves. {"a2" ["a3" "a4"] "b1" ["a3" "c3"]}
    showDests?: boolean; // whether to add the move-dest class on squares
    events?: {
      after?: (orig: cg.Key, dest: cg.Key, metadata: cg.MoveMetadata) => void; // called after the move has been played
      afterNewPiece?: (role: cg.Role, key: cg.Key, metadata: cg.MoveMetadata) => void; // called after a new piece is dropped on the board
    rookCastle?: boolean; // castle by moving the king to the rook
  premovable?: {
    enabled?: boolean; // allow premoves for color that can not move
    showDests?: boolean; // whether to add the premove-dest class on squares
    castle?: boolean; // whether to allow king castle premoves
    dests?: cg.Key[]; // premove destinations for the current selection
    events?: {
      set?: (orig: cg.Key, dest: cg.Key, metadata?: cg.SetPremoveMetadata) => void; // called after the premove has been set
      unset?: () => void; // called after the premove has been unset
  predroppable?: {
    enabled?: boolean; // allow predrops for color that can not move
    events?: {
      set?: (role: cg.Role, key: cg.Key) => void; // called after the predrop has been set
      unset?: () => void; // called after the predrop has been unset
  draggable?: {
    enabled?: boolean; // allow moves & premoves to use drag'n drop
    distance?: number; // minimum distance to initiate a drag; in pixels
    autoDistance?: boolean; // lets chessground set distance to zero when user drags pieces
    showGhost?: boolean; // show ghost of piece being dragged
    deleteOnDropOff?: boolean; // delete a piece when it is dropped off the board
  selectable?: {
    // disable to enforce dragging over click-click move
    enabled?: boolean;
  events?: {
    change?: () => void; // called after the situation changes on the board
    // called after a piece has been moved.
    // capturedPiece is undefined or like {color: 'white'; 'role': 'queen'}
    move?: (orig: cg.Key, dest: cg.Key, capturedPiece?: cg.Piece) => void;
    dropNewPiece?: (piece: cg.Piece, key: cg.Key) => void;
    select?: (key: cg.Key) => void; // called when a square is selected
    insert?: (elements: cg.Elements) => void; // when the board DOM has been (re)inserted
  drawable?: {
    enabled?: boolean; // can draw
    visible?: boolean; // can view
    defaultSnapToValidMove?: boolean;
    // false to keep the drawing if a movable piece is clicked.
    // Clicking an empty square or immovable piece will clear the drawing regardless.
    eraseOnClick?: boolean;
    shapes?: DrawShape[];
    autoShapes?: DrawShape[];
    brushes?: DrawBrushes;
    onChange?: (shapes: DrawShape[]) => void; // called after drawable shapes change
H-Richard commented 2 years ago

thank you! I'll make this update when I fix #10, been dealing with some dependency issues

H-Richard commented 2 years ago
