react-component / slider

React Slider
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How to use createSliderWithTooltip #856

Open jcubic opened 1 year ago

jcubic commented 1 year ago

The code from the documentation doesn't work. It gives a warning from TypeScript that you can replace require with import but it throws a runtime error:

react-dom.development.js:11865 Uncaught TypeError: createSliderWithTooltip is not a function
vf-telwing commented 1 year ago

@jcubic It looks like this library was refactored recently and the most recent documentation now exists in the docs/ directory. Here is the implementation included for the TooltipSlider:

jcubic commented 1 year ago

I don't think I will waste more time on this.

anik95 commented 1 year ago

Can you please let me know how this can be resolved?

This is what I have: const { createSliderWithTooltip } = Slider; const Range = createSliderWithTooltip(Slider.Range);

But this gives the following error: Property 'createSliderWithTooltip' does not exist on type 'ForwardRefExoticComponent<SliderProps<number | number[]> & RefAttributes>'

vf-telwing commented 1 year ago

@anik95 Since createSliderWithTooltip no longer exists, the best reference point I was able to find is the TooltipSlider example:

I think that component is the intended replacement for the code you are currently using.

wzy1935 commented 1 year ago

I literally spent half of a day on this...

For anyone who encounter the same problem, my suggestions are:

But if you insist on using this version of rc-slider by yourself, This is a cleaner example than the template above:

import React from "react";
import Slider from "rc-slider"; // 10.0.0
import Tooltip from "rc-tooltip"; // 5.1.1
import "rc-tooltip/assets/bootstrap_white.css";

export default () => (
      handleRender={(node, handleProps) => {
        return (
            overlayInnerStyle={{ minHeight: "auto" }}
            overlay={"score: " + handleProps.value}
      defaultValue={[1, 2, 3]}

Oh, never to mention that it generates error of ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18 all the time.

Working on this is just WASTE OF TIME.