react-hook-form / resolvers

📋 Validation resolvers: Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi, Vest, Class Validator, io-ts, Nope, computed-types, typanion, Ajv, TypeBox, ArkType, Valibot, effect-ts and VineJS
MIT License
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Fields configured as mandatory are not being validated and are ignored. #659

Open marcio1002 opened 5 months ago

marcio1002 commented 5 months ago

Used libraries

Describe the bug According to the documentation, the fields are applied by default as mandatory, but these fields are not being validated as mandatory in this new version of zod and react-hook-form. I created a custom component for input and select and pass the ref with forwardRef. I believe this is not the reason, because I tested with html input directly and the validation allows empty fields to pass.

function InputElement(
        className = "",
        icon = undefined,
        customBoxInputClass = "",
        customInputClass = "",
        customBoxIconClass = "",
        onClickIcon = undefined,
        hasValidator = false,
        isInvalid = false,
    }: InputProps,
    ref: Ref<HTMLInputElement>
) {
    const [isNotEmptyValue, setIsNotEmptyValue] = useState(false);

    const isShowIconError = hasValidator && isInvalid;
    const isShowIconSuccess = isNotEmptyValue && hasValidator && !isInvalid;

    const inputStateValidatorClass = isShowIconSuccess
        ? "!border-plt-green has-[:focus]:!border-plt-green"
        : isShowIconError
            ? "!border-plt-red has-[:focus]:!border-plt-red"
            : "";

    function handleChange(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
        onChange && onChange(event);

        setIsNotEmptyValue( > 0);

    return (
        <div className={css(containerInputClass, inputStateValidatorClass, className)}>
            <div className={css(boxInputClass, customBoxInputClass)}>
                    className={css(inputClass, customInputClass)}

            {isValidElement(icon) && (
                <div className={css(boxIconClass, customBoxIconClass)} onClick={onClickIcon}>

            {hasValidator && (
                <div className={css(boxIconClass, customBoxIconClass)}>
                    {isShowIconError && (
                        <IoCloseCircleOutline className={css(iconCheckClass, "text-plt-red")} />

                    {isShowIconSuccess && (
                        <IoCheckmarkCircleOutline className={css(iconCheckClass, "text-plt-green")} />

export const Input = forwardRef(InputElement);