react-icons / react-icons

svg react icons of popular icon packs
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[Feature]: Set different colors for DuoTone Icons #887

Open AlpayC opened 5 months ago

AlpayC commented 5 months ago


Currently, the React Icons library supports duotone icons, but there is a limitation when it comes to customizing the colors of each layer individually. This restricts users from applying distinct colors to the duotone icons, limiting their flexibility in design.


I propose an enhancement to the React Icons library that allows users to pass two distinct colors to the duotone icons. This could be achieved by extending the current API to accept an array of colors or by introducing specific props for each layer's color. For example:

<PiHandWavingDuotone strokeColor="#FF5733" fillColor="#33FF57" />

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This feature enhancement will provide developers with greater control over the visual presentation of duotone icons, enabling more creative and diverse design choices within React applications.