react-icons / react-icons

svg react icons of popular icon packs
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Add closing of the icon details modal with the ESC key #900

Open gabrielogregorio opened 4 months ago

gabrielogregorio commented 4 months ago


Added the useKeyDown hook to improve interaction with the site using the keyboard, this specific pull request I am using this hook to close the icon details modal by pressing the ESC key.

The hook listens to the global window "keydown" event and triggers a callback function with a key pressed.

Example of closing the modal using the ESC key

The hook synchronizes the ref with the most current value of the callback function, without interrupting the listener.

const refCallback = useRef(callback);

useEffect(() => {
    refCallback.current = callback;
}, [call back]);


With this it will be possible to use the ESC keys to close the icon detail modal, I personally find it much more practical.


And on other sites.

I'm open to suggestions