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[Question] Why ReactInstanceManager needs to be initialized on main thread? #786

Open Kshitij09-sc opened 5 months ago

Kshitij09-sc commented 5 months ago


I noticed ReactInstanceManager methods have @ThreadConfined(UI) and has assertions around same. Wanted to understand why do we need to initialize this on main thread?


Discussion points

cortinico commented 5 months ago

Can you elaborate more?

Specifically in your title you ask:

Why SoLoader needs to be initialized on main thread?

while in the issue body you point to runCreateReactContextOnNewThread. I'm unsure what you'r exactly asking.

Kshitij09-sc commented 5 months ago

Let's focus this question on ReactInstanceManager. I noticed SoLoader & these classes are somehow linked when it comes to initialization, but to keep it specific, why ReactInstanceManager needs to be initialized on main thread?