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0.61.2 Discussion #148

Closed grabbou closed 4 years ago

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Conversations on this thread are limited to 0.61 releases major issues and backport (cherry-pick) requests from commits that are already on master.

An example of a good such request is a bug fix for a serious issue that has been merged into master but did not make the 0.61.2 cut.

In other words, if you cannot point to a particular commit on master, then your request likely belongs as a new issue in

r3nya commented 4 years ago

🤔 is it ok? image

fungilation commented 4 years ago

yarn outdated showed 0.61.2 released, but it's not available by react-native upgrade?

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@r3nya, I edited one release and probably that's why. Anyway, I have re-created the latest release right now to make sure GitHub displays proper timestamps.

r3nya commented 4 years ago

@grabbou got it! Thanks for your work!

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@fungilation, I have just realized I need to generate it myself. I am doing it now (and hoping to succeed, first time ever).

fungilation commented 4 years ago

Seems to work! But on, it shows downgrade of packages. This doesn't seem right, when these were upgraded from RN 0.60?


levibuzolic commented 4 years ago

Looks like it's just an issue with rn-diff-purge, there's an issue for it here:

The actual versions in the release are correct.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Yes, it's a valid issue with rn-diff-purge. Just been updated manually by @pvinis and all is good.

pvinis commented 4 years ago

Just to be clear, this comes from the cli and the way it gets the template. purge just inits a project and sometimes the cli is somehow out of sync with the release. 😕

blohamen commented 4 years ago

It's impossible to use selection prop in TextInput on Android:

alnorris commented 4 years ago 0.61 has completely broken manual linking, Any chance this fix goes out soon?

craftmusic commented 4 years ago

Currently on 0.61.2 cannot build my native module that was working on previous versions. Now I always encounter the error: 'React/RCTBridgeModule.h' file not found

janicduplessis commented 4 years ago

I've gotten a few requests for, fixes a major memory leak in networking on Android.

radko93 commented 4 years ago this fixes Android App Bundle & Hermes compatibility.

fungilation commented 4 years ago is an important one to cherrypick. But this issue is for RN 0.61.2 which is already out, this should be for RN 0.61.3 no?

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the requests. I was busy working on the CLI and trying to cut 0.62. in the meantime. I will look into your cherry-pick requests now.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@craftmusic and @blohamen, unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about these issues right now - there's no fix yet. Once there's PR merged that resolves these issues, please let me know in this thread. Let's follow up on the linked issue with further details.

Cherry-picked @janicduplessis and @radko93 Android-related changes. Pushing to the CI. If everything goes well, I will send it to npm tomorrow.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, the SoLoader commit breaks the Android test suite.

I will try to find a spare minute over the weekend to look into it, any support is welcome meanwhile! Otherwise, I don't think it's worth releasing a patch version with just one commit.

s349856186 commented 4 years ago

I upgrade to 0.61.2, but get NativeModules empty object, how can i fix it ?

radeno commented 4 years ago

My two cents:

But it is questionable if make effort and use spare free time to this patch version or create 0.62 RC0

kennym commented 4 years ago

On iOS (tested with iOS 13), doing this:

<TouchableOpacity [...]>

produces this:


Any Touchable* will result in the same.

heroic commented 4 years ago

I upgrade to 0.61.2, but get NativeModules empty object, how can i fix it ? facebook/react-native#26813

You are probably missing:

List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();

in your

s349856186 commented 4 years ago

@heroic Thanks for your prompt. I have added my Module, and I can't get it, NativeModules is empty. image

WebRom1145 commented 4 years ago

I use 0.61.2, but get also a NativeModules empty object, in Android how can i fix it ? I don't missig List packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages(); image

sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

@WebRom1145 But you did not return that packages

WebRom1145 commented 4 years ago

@sunnylqm yes, of course, I try something.. if I do it like that, I get the same Problem NativeModuls are an empty Object {} image and the ReactPackage.getPackages Function is generated image

sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

You should check upgrade-helper carefully to see if you missed any config. Especially something like and And do not use react-native link command any more.

WebRom1145 commented 4 years ago

thx @sunnylqm I have it fixed

s349856186 commented 4 years ago

@WebRom1145 how to solve it? The configuration by sunnylqm said, already exist in my project, but nor work

WebRom1145 commented 4 years ago

@s349856186 check-in Debug mode of Chrome if you receive Native Modules... in build.gradle in dependencies add your Project --> implementation project(':myModule')

mikehardy commented 4 years ago

Hey you guys, does this have anything to do with problems in the 0.61.2 release? I feel like I'm in a meeting that I don't need to be in ;-)

piashcse commented 4 years ago

is there any deadline for 0.62 RC?

mikehardy commented 4 years ago

There are no deadlines For open source code releases Only undone work

An open source haiku - but seriously, there are no deadlines. I believe the hold up is that iOS is failing in CI, and anyone that could investigate and fix it so that a commit here results in a CI pass wins a large quantity of internet points: /

kristerkari commented 4 years ago

Please pick this commit for the next patch release:

It fixes a visual iOS13 bug where an empty document image is displayed when images, views or other things are rendered inside a <Text>

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@piashcse, let's follow up on 0.62 discussions in the 0.62 issue. As @mikehardy already pointed out, the tests are failing and we are working on getting them fixed.

Unfortunately, due to React Conf happening this week this has been delayed. I will try to wrap it up now that a lot of React Native developers are going to be there.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Following up on, I haven't had luck finding a root cause for the Android test failure. I am going to exclude it from this release.

Meanwhile, @radko93 (since you requested it), do have any ideas why this might be happening? I would appreciate your support on that and I am happy to revisit once this is working.

dulmandakh commented 4 years ago fixed Android CI, but RNTester release build on master was crashing. I'll look into it during weekends.

waqas19921 commented 4 years ago

Please also take a look at and suggest any fix for that.

blohamen commented 4 years ago

It's impossible to use selection prop in TextInput on Android: facebook/react-native#26047

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@blohamen and @waqas19921, please link to commits. Issues should be reported on the main repository. Thanks!

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Just finished cherry-picking and tests are on the CI. I had to cherry-pick few more ScrollView related commits in order to merge clearly the requests. Will look in few hours for the CI results and if all goes well, ship it.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Releasing 0.61.3 now.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

I am going to revert a few additional commits.

Please, only request commits for fixes that you have experienced yourself using the release. We are keeping the cherry-picks for critical, blocking issues that happen to you while developing.

Suggesting commits that are fixing something that is not present in this release are slowing down the release process and require cherry-picking additional number of changes (e.g. in case of the two above commits, the original feature commit that introduced the bug).

You can see the history of the branch here:

grabbou commented 4 years ago

For reference, here's the list of commits that is going to go with 0.61.3: