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0.62.x RC Discussion #157

Closed kelset closed 4 years ago

kelset commented 4 years ago

EDIT by @alloy:

The current version is v0.62.0-rc.5 and appears to be the golden one ✨


SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago


For completeness sake, these PRs have been mentioned:

facebook/react-native#21801 and facebook/react-native#27463 are not PR, they are issues.

have we PRs to fixing them?

khat33b commented 4 years ago

This issue needs to be fixed in 0.62 ( NativeModules object is coming null from 0.61.0 onwards and it should be fixed in 0.62. We have been unable to upgrade from 0.60.6 becuase of this issue.

kelset commented 4 years ago

@SaeedZhiany thanks, corrected the wording.

have we PRs to fixing them?

Not sure, you should find (if any) linked in the issues themselves. If not, you could try to submit one yourself 🤗

@khat33b the issue you linked is quite incomplete, I've commented there. It doesn't seem to be an actionable commit or PR about that.

sofiageo commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if it's a known issue but with both rc versions my application won't run at all. Errors are similar to:

Unhandled JS Exception: Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication)', reason: 'Unhandled JS Exception: Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication), stack:

I've found similar issues in the past from react-native upgrades but I didn't find any specific ways to fix it. Reverting just react dependency to 16.9.0 and react-native dependency to 0.61.5 - lets my application run normal again.

kelset commented 4 years ago

@sofiageo I would suggest not upgrading yet as we are still in the RC phase and things will likely change quite a bit still before 0.62.0.

That said, you can check via the upgrade-helper that you have taken all the necessary steps.

jfrolich commented 4 years ago

It doesn't look to be working with React-Native-Navigation (I get a blank screen after the upgrade). Didn't do more research yet, but it might be good to mention. Anyone else tried this with RNN?

kelset commented 4 years ago

@jfrolich I would recommend that you open an issue in the react-native-nav rep with a repro, and post the link here. So people can have the conversation over there while keeping a reference here.

Just a quick update, the roadmap for 0.62.0 is mostly bound to Flipper support - and since I forgot to mention it in the previous post I'll add it here now:

So it seems that there is still some work to do before it's going to be ready. Any help I'm sure it would be super appreciated.

johnckendall commented 4 years ago

This issue still exists:

alexisbronchart commented 4 years ago

Is already included in 0.62 ? I can't manage to find it back in the history.

mjmasn commented 4 years ago

@alexisbronchart looks like the fix is present in both release candidates:

kelset commented 4 years ago

Just FYI @jfrolich ->

Gustash commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry-pick It's been a recurring issue for us in production.

trevyn commented 4 years ago

Regression in Vibrate.vibrate(): facebook/react-native/issues/27920

EDIT by @alloy: In progress PR

meosieudang commented 4 years ago

can you check this issue

panagosg7 commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry pick ? It removes a change from the flowconfig of the template app. This mode of Flow has not been publicly announced yet and is not the default mode. (The change had made it to the template by accident.)

Here's the relevant Flow issue for context: (thanks @jamesisaac for bringing this up)

TheSavior commented 4 years ago

Was it intentional for the template to no longer include the yarn lint script or the eslint dependency? I can't seem to find the commit that removed that.

mjmasn commented 4 years ago

@TheSavior I have a feeling this is one of those ones that was added directly to a release branch then not cherry picked back to master. Seems to happen quite often, and with documentation too. Would explain why you can't find a commit for the removal.

TheSavior commented 4 years ago

If someone wants to send a pr adding back ESLint, I’ll help it get merged

jacobp100 commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to cherry pick ( It would mean we can use the new iOS modal styles

Naturalclar commented 4 years ago

@TheSavior I've made a PR for adding back ESLint just now, could you take a look at it?

TheSavior commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry pick @Naturalclar's commit for ESLint?

kelset commented 4 years ago

we need to cherry pick -> & Metro bump too.

luco commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry pick this Modals are not being dismissed properly when using formSheet or pageSheet.

TheSavior commented 4 years ago

There are some TypeScript changes that should be shipped as part of 0.62.0, I created an issue to track that for @alloy here:

yurykorzun commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry pick to add "scale to fit" support for text on Android?

sebqq commented 4 years ago

Can I ask what is status of this release?

kelset commented 4 years ago

Current status is that tomorrow we'll do a pairing session and aim to do the next RC release. There is one commit about Flipper that needs to land ( but it has a couple conflicts that need to be addressed and it's complicating the process 😓

Sorry if this release is going so slow, but we are getting there 💪

cipriancaba commented 4 years ago

Hey @kelset.. Sorry for the off-topic but just wondering how the pairing session will happen? Any way you could stream that? Would be quite interested to see the process and maybe provide some help in the future

kelset commented 4 years ago

hey @cipriancaba thanks for asking. Since this is the first time we attempt something like it we will not be "opening it up to the public" but we'll consider this option in the future. It will require a bit of setup and make sure that all parties involved want to actually be "streamed", but I think it's an interesting idea to explore in the near future.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

I had this idea back in the day for doing "React Native @ Air" live streams, I think it makes sense to do it one day + coordinate with other projects, such as the CLI 👋

safaiyeh commented 4 years ago

How about picking these? Resolves Xcode warnings (in progress to being merged)

alloy commented 4 years ago

Hey folks, we’ve just released v0.62.0-rc.2 🎉

We cherry-picked all the suggested commits (that had already been merged into master).

Additionally we made the following two local changes that will need to be back-ported to master:

mgcrea commented 4 years ago

@alloy awesome, do you have any ideas if 0.62 will actually support the Mac target (via Catalyst)? Just tested the rc.2 and I'm still encountering Thanks!

hsjoberg commented 4 years ago

@alloy v0.62.0-rc.2 crashes for me on Android, compiled on two different Linux machines. Hermes or not makes no difference. This includes using the CRA template initialized via the CLI tool.

npx react-native init RN062 --version 0.62.0-rc.2

Interestingly, it works if I only render this:

const App: () => {
  return (

Would I try to do any styling to the Text component I get instant crash, even an empty object passed to style makes the app crash.

I've uploaded logcat logging here.

If you need any more information, please let me know.

(I also get Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'app/build/intermediates/merged_manifests/debug/AndroidManifest.xml when I run react-native run-android the first time (using a clean react-native init project, so I need to do ./gradlew assembleDebug first, but maybe that's a something for react-native-community/cli to look into.)

grabbou commented 4 years ago

This AndroidManifest.xml is a known bug in the CLI introduced via this commit

We might need to revert (which would be annoying), unless there's a better way to get build directory.

kelset commented 4 years ago

@mgcrea there is no plan to fully support Catalyst AFAIK, but there is an ongoing conversation here ->

@hsjoberg it sounds quite similar to the bug I've encountered, I've "worked around it" for the first install by doing it via Android Studio (the workaround is also mentioned in the very top post of this issue). Based on @grabbou's comment it's likely that this conversation belongs to the cli issue section

grabbou commented 4 years ago

I will provide a workaround until the end of the week or revert. Collecting reports now.

On Fri, 14 Feb 2020 at 09:40, Lorenzo Sciandra wrote:

@mgcrea there is no plan to fully support Catalyst AFAIK, but there is an ongoing conversation here -> react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals#131

@hsjoberg that's the same bug I've encountered, you can "work around it" for the first install by doing it via Android Studio (the workaround is also mentioned in the very top post of this issue). Based on @grabbou's comment it's likely that this conversation belongs to the cli issue section

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pvinis commented 4 years ago

Can we add

kelset commented 4 years ago

Another cherry pick for next RC ->

This + @pvinis' commit should be the last two "mandatory" commits that separate us from 0.62.0 - aside from the CLI issue which is currently being investigated but it's likely that it will not affect directly the main codebase.

This should mean that we can do another RC next week and then 0.62.0. Again, this is purely hypothetical for now, we need to get some more feedbacks/see if anything else surfaces up for y'all testing the RC.

Other things that separate us from 0.62.0 (just posting here for future memory):

alloy commented 4 years ago

As requested to pick by @safaiyeh facebook/react-native#28046

safaiyeh commented 4 years ago

One more Xcode warning:

alloy commented 4 years ago

Add script that includes RN pods to the template’s Podfile once this is in

Not going to do this for now after all. There are things that would need to improve first, but after doing that I actually have ideas about improving the situation in different ways, so I’d rather not introduce more differences to what people are used to right now.

hsjoberg commented 4 years ago

the workaround is also mentioned in the very top post of this issue

@kelset Right! Sorry, I missed that. Building from Android Studio first worked for me, but I cannot get it to consistently work, which is strange.

hsjoberg commented 4 years ago

This AndroidManifest.xml is a known bug in the CLI introduced via this commit react-native-community/cli@19c5560. We might need to revert (which would be annoying), unless there's a better way to get build directory.

@grabbou Right, I looked up that commit when my build failed because appIdSuffix was removed. I hope there's an easy workaround because I really like the improvement. :slightly_smiling_face:

KingAmo commented 4 years ago

could not install RC.2 step: 1. npx react-native init RN062RC2 --version 0.62.0-rc.2 error info:

✖ Downloading template
error Error: Command failed: yarn add react-native@0.62.0-rc.2
warning react-native > fbjs-scripts > core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
warning react-native > fbjs > core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
warning react-native > create-react-class > fbjs > core-js@1.2.7: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
warning react-native > metro-babel-register > core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
error Couldn't find any versions for "metro-inspector-proxy" that matches "0.58.0"
Naturalclar commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry pick ? It takes care of require cycle warning that is caused by code inside the core.

owinter86 commented 4 years ago

This issue has appeared whilst testing the new RC

safaiyeh commented 4 years ago

@owinter86 left a comment

safaiyeh commented 4 years ago

Update: just got merged ready to be picked ❤️

lucasbento commented 4 years ago

CLI issue that affects new watch mode and Flipper new reload/open dev menu buttons: (both being shipped in 0.62).