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v0.62.2 Discussion #188

Closed alloy closed 4 years ago

alloy commented 4 years ago

Conversations on this thread should be limited to reporting issues that are new in this minor version or requests to cherry-pick bug fixes that have landed in master.

In all other cases, please report the issue to

Maskedman99 commented 4 years ago

Can we add that extra rule to file that is needed while running Hermes in RN0.62

SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry-pick this?

alloy commented 4 years ago

@Maskedman99 Care to create a PR for that?

sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

guhungry commented 4 years ago

Fix app crash due to flipper 0.33.1 in ios debug build when use base64 image

SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago

can also we cherry-pick this?

sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

@SaeedZhiany Already picked in 0.62.2

SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago

are you sure? it seems not


sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

@SaeedZhiany Backport is not tagged on master branch. image

christianbach commented 4 years ago

Could we pick this?

For context:

naved971 commented 4 years ago

command : react-native run-android --variant=release App is crashing on version RN Version 0.62.x while running release variant Please check


mikehardy commented 4 years ago

@naved971 this is for release planning. Bug reports go in the main repository

Bardiamist commented 4 years ago

@naved971 I got same after update to 0.62. ./gradlew clean helped

ahce commented 4 years ago

Can pick this?

Knjaz89 commented 4 years ago

Hello. how to set ref to Animated.ScrollView and call scrollTo by ref ?

levibuzolic commented 4 years ago

@Knjaz89 Hello. how to set ref to Animated.ScrollView and call scrollTo by ref ?

This isn't the correct place for support, this thread is for discussing issues in the v0.62.2 release of React Native.

However to answer your question:

function SomeComponent() {
  const scrollView = React.useRef();

  function someCallback() {
    scrollView.current.getNode().scrollTo({x: 0, y: 0});

  return <Animated.ScrollView ref={scrollView} />
Knjaz89 commented 4 years ago

@Knjaz89 Hello. how to set ref to Animated.ScrollView and call scrollTo by ref ?

This isn't the correct place for support, this thread is for discussing issues in the v0.62.2 release of React Native.

However to answer your question:

function SomeComponent() {
  const scrollView = React.useRef();

  function someCallback() {
    scrollView.current.getNode().scrollTo({x: 0, y: 0});

  return <Animated.ScrollView ref={scrollView} />

TS2322: Type '{ ref: MutableRefObject; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & AnimatedProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.   Property 'ref' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & AnimatedProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.

Bardiamist commented 4 years ago

@Knjaz89 Animated.ScrollView type is wrong.

My temp solution for ignore error:

export interface AnimatedComponent<T extends (
  | React.Component<Animated.ComponentProps<T>>
)> extends React.FC<Animated.AnimatedProps<Animated.ComponentProps<T>> & { ref?: any }> {
  getNode: () => T;

export const AnimatedScrollView = (Animated.ScrollView as AnimatedComponent<ScrollView>);

Would nice if somebody fix it.

zhongwuzw commented 4 years ago

Could we pick this

AnOptimistSeePessimist commented 4 years ago

crash in android 4.x with react-native 0.62.2


mikehardy commented 4 years ago

@AnOptimistSeePessimist this is for discussion of cherry-picks to any potential 0.62.3 only, not for bug reports. That said I have react-native 0.62.2 working successfully down to 4.4.4 / API19 personally tested with (old terrible) hardware. This is likely an upgrade issue that may be solved by investigating the 'upgrade-helper' site to see where the DevManager stuff is implemented and if you forward-ported your project correctly to it.

chris-griffin commented 4 years ago

Can we pick which fixes an incorrect white text color being applied on TextInputs when an iOS device is set to dark mode even if the background of the input is white as well?

glibenko commented 4 years ago

Important info if you use Hermes I updated from 61.5 to 62.2 and got a crash on android: couldn't find DSO to load:

I fixed it by adding following string to android/app/build.gradle: implementation "org.webkit:android-jsc:+"

JLucasCAmorim commented 4 years ago

Can we pick facebook/react-native@e5a6655 which fixes the Animated image crash when CADisplayLink target in RCTWeakProxy is nil?

jakobvase commented 4 years ago

Can we pick Changes the launch screen from .xib to .storyboard, as required by Apple before June 30th (

SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago

@alloy Are all the requested cherry-picks in this issue included in 0.63.x? If yes, we can close this issue right? otherwise, I'm wondering which version will include those cherry picks?


chris-griffin commented 4 years ago

I would definitely love to see these cherry-picks added to a new 62.2.3 release. This seems necessary especially given (which will break things starting tomorrow). But in general, we would be very grateful to see additional stability in releases by backporting fixes to the previous major/minor patch.

radko93 commented 4 years ago

@chris-griffin this only affects new projects, if you have an existing project you need to migrate to a storyboard manually anyway. But it has to be included in 0.63.

kelset commented 4 years ago

echoing what @radko93 just said, cherry picking the commit won't autofix/autoupdate any already existing app. That change needs to be done manually anyway, so in all fairness since we are releasing 0.63.0 very soon I don't think it's necessary to release 0.62.3 (since it won't come out before 0.63 anyway and react-native init will use 0.63).

sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

Any chance for which fixes

alloy commented 4 years ago

Thanks for bearing with us and reporting issues/requests for picks 🙏 Due to available bandwidth, we decided to focus on getting a v0.63.0 release out rather than another v0.62.x patch release. I’ve gone through all the requested picks and have added those that are not yet slated for v0.63.0 to be picked for v0.63.1: