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V0.63.1 Discussion #199

Closed alloy closed 4 years ago

alloy commented 4 years ago

⚠️ NOTE: v0.63.0 stable has not been released yet, but the changes it will include are final; so we have this issue ahead of time for people to already start tracking changes they need.

Conversations on this thread should be limited to reporting issues that are new in this minor version or requests to cherry-pick bug fixes that have landed in master.

In all other cases, please report the issue to

Picks requested previously:

ryantrem commented 4 years ago

Can we get this change cherry picked for the 0.63.1 release? This is a very isolated change in a file that rarely changes. We need it for performance reasons for Babylon.js integration into React Native.

kelset commented 4 years ago

We need to cherry pick since Apple's guidelines around this storyboard file will be in effect from today/tomorrow.

More details here

mikehardy commented 4 years ago

For anyone else like me realizing all of the sudden you need to convert .xib to .storyboard in relation to the above comments, I will say there are lots of ways to do it, all of which are fine I am sure. Very specifically though I can report not just success but a pleasant experience using - there are little Xcode screenshots of the manual parts you need to do and a CLI even. Great work @zoontek and @Moox I think. So I am no longer concerned about iOS launch screens and am back to my default state of anticipation for 0.63 to release ;-)

grabbou commented 4 years ago

For reference, will go into 0.63. I am going to cherry-pick it today.

reimertz commented 4 years ago

For reference, #199 (comment) will go into 0.63. I am going to cherry-pick it today.

Don't know if it was intentional but cocoapods version got downgraded here

nonewcode commented 4 years ago

+1 react-native-bootsplash is quite nice to use for storyboards as mike has stated. Have never had an issue with it.

emilisb commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry-pick this? facebook/react-native#27885

It should have no negative impact. It offers new benchmarking opportunities.

ottob commented 4 years ago

@grabbou did you notice the comment from reimertz above.

This looks unintentional for the 0.63-stable branch

sunnylqm commented 4 years ago

@ottob @reimertz I think it's intentional

K-Leon commented 4 years ago

Debugging on Android in 0.63 is completely broken. This PR would fix it:

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@reimertz The CocoaPods wasn't downgraded, it's just that RNTester was installed with a different version. This has no impact on the users, as the lockfiles are really specific to your dev setup.

alloy commented 4 years ago

@K-Leon The fix for Android debugging is going into v0.63.0, so will automatically be in v0.63.1:

Maskedman99 commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry-pick this
Fixes font variant crash on Android < 4.4

grabbou commented 4 years ago

Thanks for cherry-picks. I will look at them later this week and we will begin working on v0.63.1.

krunalsshah commented 4 years ago

@grabbou The Blog Post link is broken in the release notes

Broken link ->


TheSavior commented 4 years ago

Can we pick this LogBox fix?

lorenzoangelini commented 4 years ago

@grabbou on the 0.63 version, when in ios i launch a build in release mode, it seems that the absolute path cannot resolved, because research it into node_modules

TheSavior commented 4 years ago

Can we pick this Pressable fix? Fixes

mrousavy commented 4 years ago

Can we cherry pick this fix which allows dragging a formSheet/pageSheet Modal down to dismiss?

luco commented 4 years ago

A few to consider:

TheSavior commented 4 years ago

Only commits that have landed to master can be considered for picks to a release branch. Open PRs can't be considered

ravirajn22 commented 4 years ago

react-native v0.63.0 has upgraded the Android target SDK to 29, please mention it in the change log.

SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago

@ravirajn22 It already has an item in the changelog. you can find it at this section (the last item is the related change. @alloy, maybe it's better to modify the description to also mention about targetSdkVersion)

kelset commented 4 years ago

@ravirajn22 as mentioned by @SaeedZhiany there's already a reference, if you think it could be better worded please open a PR against the changelog.

owinter86 commented 4 years ago

I personally did not have this issue in any previous RN versions, but its 100% reproducible in simulator and device on Version 0.63.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

@lorenzoangelini, that sounds interesting. Can you link to an issue in the React Native repository where we can read more about it and follow this?

@owinter86, it has been reported in 0.61.5, so while you couldn't reproduce it on older versions yourself, it looks like the issue was there already.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

I have cherry-picked all commits listed here so far that were bug fixes. Please see the first comment for the whole list. I am now waiting for the CI to pass.

Since it's already quite late here in Europe, I'll postpone the final release for tomorrow.

lorenzoangelini commented 4 years ago

@grabbou there is a similar issue here []

grabbou commented 4 years ago

I see. Thanks for reporting. Let's keep tracking it there on inside React Native. I was afraid that this was some high-profile CLI related issue. Fortunately though, seems like a Babel/bundler-related issue.

grabbou commented 4 years ago

0.63.1 will be out soon, closing this issue.