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Upcoming v0.63.4 cherrypicks discussion #212

Closed kelset closed 3 years ago

kelset commented 3 years ago

Conversations on this thread are limited to 0.63 releases major issues and backport (cherry-pick) requests from commits that are already on master.

An example of a good such request is a bug fix for a serious issue that has been merged into master but did not make the 0.63.3 cut, with a link to the specific commit hash on master with the commit to cherry-pick, like this example link:

In other words, if you cannot point to a particular commit on master, then your request likely belongs as a new issue in

Naturalclar commented 3 years ago

Can this fix be cherry picked for v63.4?

Seems like many people are having trouble displaying image on iOS14

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@Naturalclar is there a commit hash from master for that? This thread needs commit hashes from master to have them picked

Naturalclar commented 3 years ago

@mikehardy thanks for pointing me to the right direction! This should be the commit hash from master

sunnylqm commented 3 years ago

That's already merged into 0.63.2 facebook/react-native@b6ded72

Naturalclar commented 3 years ago

@sunnylqm oops, missed that. Thanks, and sorry about that! I'll mark my comments as resolved.

xiao99xiao commented 3 years ago

I hate to say this again, but the iOS Modal Dismiss issue regressed in 0.63.x since the commit is not merged into master.

Related discussion in 0.62.0 here:

And there is a new issue about it , and a new pull request that repeats what we've done in 0.61.x and 0.62.0 once again.

Hope @kelset could have this issue a check. It's pretty depressing that I have to bring it up every major release.

Anyway, hope everyone have a good day😊

kelset commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing it out @xiao99xiao, I'll link the PR to the 0.64 issue and link it back to the FB team, hopefully we can get it merged and then we can properly cherry pick.

omid-ebrahimi commented 3 years ago

Can we have this fix in 0.63.4? It's a very old issue and we should use a dirty setTimeout(...) workaround to avoid it.

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@omid-ebrahimi is there a commit hash merged to master that you can reference? This issue is for links to commit hashes that are already merged on master, so they may be cherry-picked

omid-ebrahimi commented 3 years ago

Can we have this fix facebook/react-native#29295 in 0.63.4? It's a very old issue and we should use a dirty setTimeout(...) workaround to avoid it.

@mikehardy here is the related commit:

lorenc-tomasz commented 3 years ago

I think that this PR should go into 0.63.4:

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@lorenc-tomasz do you have a commit hash for a commit merged to master? The commit hashes are the thing here - see above comments. Cheers

alejandrorangel commented 3 years ago

can we have this fix facebook/react-native@797367c in 0.63.4

MoKhajavi75 commented 3 years ago

can we have this fix facebook/react-native@797367c in 0.63.4

and please :grin:

dulmandakh commented 3 years ago

below are minor bug fix bumps, and will fix many minor issues.

happyfloat commented 3 years ago

Sorry to hijack that issue, but does anyone know how to upgrade the project.pbxproj file in an existing project? 🙏

I can't really figure out what has changed even with the help of the upgrade-helper tool:

It just looks too different compared to my existing project with a lot of packages and other stuff.

kelset commented 3 years ago

@happyfloat I would recommend you ask here:

bobbyecho commented 3 years ago

hi, can we have this fix (issue about hermes on aab)?

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@bobbyecho commit hashes for changes that have landed on main branch in react-native repo are needed here. If there is no commit hash, there is nothing to cherry-pick. Do you have a reference to a commit in the react-native repo?

dulmandakh commented 3 years ago
wilau2 commented 3 years ago
SandroMachado commented 3 years ago

This one please:

There is no workaround.

kelset commented 3 years ago

@SandroMachado that's an open PR, so we can't cherry pick it. For something to be cherry-pickable, we need for PRs to be merged in master and we need the commit hash to be posted here :)

louiszawadzki commented 3 years ago

Could we bring the contentOffset prop to Android ScrollViews? I believe the needed cherry-picks are, in order:

Thanks :)

hsavit1 commented 3 years ago

this one would save me so much pain

kelset commented 3 years ago

@hsavit1 that's an open PR, so we can't cherry pick it. For something to be cherry-pickable, we need for PRs to be merged in master and we need the commit hash to be posted here :)

a-eid commented 3 years ago

@kelset when is this expected to be released ?

kelset commented 3 years ago

Not sure atm, we are focused on getting 0.64 cut & the first rc0 to be up, and then we'll evaluate if/when we want to do a 0.63.4.

dulmandakh commented 3 years ago
MoKhajavi75 commented 3 years ago


And, I have a question :smile: When you cut for 0.64.0, all of these changes will be there too, right? because AFAIK, you will cut from the master at that time so all of these will be there, but just want to be sure.

kelset commented 3 years ago

When you cut for 0.64.0, all of these changes will be there too, right?

correct 👍 everything you see on master currently will be in 0.64 branch by default because the branch hasn't been created yet.

stephenhoult commented 3 years ago


@SandroMachado that's an open PR, so we can't cherry pick it. For something to be cherry-pickable, we need for PRs to be merged in master and we need the commit hash to be posted here :)

Could we have facebook/react-native@00d9deaf6ba26c605694d303bb0cb072fceae5a1 please? This is the commit for that PR that has now been merged.


luisnaranjo733 commented 3 years ago

Can we prioritize backporting 0e9296b95da06789121f052e6cd6d7cac808464c to 0.63-stable and including it in 0.63.4 please?

This is a low risk fix for a serious regression in the Dimensions module that happens when you navigate away from the activity and then come back (and webview scenarios).

Getting this included in a 63 patch release would be huge for supporting consumers who had to revert to 62 because of this as well as 63 consumers who are living with this bug and may not realize it yet. This will improve continuity for react-native upgrades on the path to 64.

Here are some examples I've found of others asking for this

kelset commented 3 years ago

@luisnaranjo733 & everyone else - sure, we can add it to the list of cherry-pickables. This week I honestly had 0 time to dedicate to this (and the one before there was a release freeze), hopefully next I'll be able to cut this patch.

kelset commented 3 years ago

hey folks, today I've been able to dedicate some time to the releases so I went through all the comments above that added a commit and this is the full list of asked cherry-pickables for 0.63.4, ordered (from oldest to newest):

I'll be honest, it's quite a big list and given how some commits have landed so much after 0.63 was cut, it's realistic to expect some of the cherry picks to create issues. I'll update you after I've attempted to cherry pick & test locally, which will happen either tomorrow or next week.

Note to self: I may need to cherry pick this too -

EDIT: updated to reflect the status of cherry-picking attempt ongoing.

MoKhajavi75 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all your efforts @kelset ❤

kelset commented 3 years ago

hey folks - quick update: I finally got some time to spare to dedicate to this, I've done the cherry pick (see details above, I managed to pick everything but the last one listed about Modal's onDismiss), and local testing. Everything went fairly smoothly and all was good during testing 👍

I'm now updating the remote branch so that CI can also run its tests and I'll ask to the other maintainers if they can double check / run a local test on their machine just to make sure.

Since it's Friday at this point I'd guess Monday I'll be able to get the release out.

renatobenks commented 3 years ago

that's a great news @kelset!

kelset commented 3 years ago

RN 0.63.4 is out! I hope this release with help you all, it took a while but hopefully my testing was good and there are no regressions introduced 🤗

The changelog is still in PR phase but you can check it out here:

I'm going to close this and open a new one for next version (if that happens).