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Upcoming v0.63.5 cherrypicks discussion #218

Closed kelset closed 3 years ago

kelset commented 3 years ago

Conversations on this thread are limited to 0.63 releases major issues and backport (cherry-pick) requests from commits that are already on master.

An example of a good such request is a bug fix for a serious issue that has been merged into master but did not make the 0.63.4 cut, with a link to the specific commit hash on master with the commit to cherry-pick, like this example link:

In other words, if you cannot point to a particular commit on master, then your request likely belongs as a new issue in

Note: we don't know yet if we will work on a 0.63.5 release, it's basically based on how things shape up with 0.64.

Update: it's unlikely we'll do a 0.63 patch, but in case here's the list of commits requested/wanted/needed:

Stretch goals:

grabbou commented 3 years ago

When lands, we will need to cherry-pick it to this branch too. It is affecting users on older React Native versions as well that upgraded to latest Xcode.

Edit: there it is:

grabbou commented 3 years ago

I am going to cherry-pick the aforementioned commit and test whether it fixes the issue on this branch as well, as a part of my testing of the same commit for the 0.64 branch!

grabbou commented 3 years ago

This should also be cherry-picked to avoid adding a whole new post install hook to a Podfile.

retyui commented 3 years ago

Really wait for these changes

To have an opportunity to get tap location on the <TextInput/> component

kelset commented 3 years ago

@retyui that commit adds new functionality so it's not a candidate for a patch release.

sandfox commented 3 years ago

Could we backport in from It's a fix for Modal onDismiss behaviour. It's already in 0.64

kelset commented 3 years ago

@sandfox I've already attempted cherry-picking it during the last round, but it's really complicated because the files involved changed a lot - so it's not achievable. The only option would be for someone to do a PR against the 0.63 branch with the fix "repurposed" to work on it.

sandfox commented 3 years ago

@kelset I'll see if I can do that then: So far it's working properly on our internal test case

priteshrnandgaonkar commented 3 years ago

Just a reminder, please use the latest Flipper pod, as we have solved the issues related to Apple M1 machines and arm compatibilities. Latest Flipper pod is 0.75.1

mrousavy commented 3 years ago

@priteshrnandgaonkar a bit off-topic, but does the latest Flipper pod also fix

kelset commented 3 years ago

@mrousavy from the comments in the issue seems like it did. In my experience, you can just change your podfile to

use_flipper!('Flipper' => '0.75.1')

To change the Flipper version

kelset commented 3 years ago

potential cherry pick:

retyui commented 3 years ago

p.s. @kelset seem you recommend a legacy ruby syntax

-use_flipper!('Flipper' => '0.75.1')
+use_flipper!({ 'Flipper' => '0.75.1' })
retyui commented 3 years ago

Still waiting for a fix for Modal::onDismiss on iOS

kelset commented 3 years ago

We are getting closer to 0.64.0 so atm we are fully focused on that - no ETA for a new patch for 0.63.x.

sandfox commented 3 years ago

@retyui - there's an open (mine) PR for it that can be used if 0.63.5 gets the go ahead (assuming poeple are ok with merging it of course).

kelset commented 3 years ago

potentially useful to consider:

anchi20 commented 3 years ago

here, facebook/react-native#29070

tido64 commented 3 years ago

@anchi20: Please read the first post:

Conversations on this thread are limited to 0.64 releases major issues and backport (cherry-pick) requests from commits that are already on master.

Please let us know when your PR has landed on master.

kelset commented 3 years ago

update: it's not likely we'll do a 0.63.5 patch, but since the Xcode 12.5 issue is fairly big it could be the case. We are still waiting for a commit to land in master, but I've started to update the top post with the list of commits we should cherry pick.

todorone commented 3 years ago

@kelset Not everybody can migrate to 0.64 yet, so releasing a fix to XCode 12.5 will be a lifesaver... 🥺

kelset commented 3 years ago

@todorone if you are on 0.63 you only need to tweak your podfile to address the Xcode 12.5 issue, see details here:

kelset commented 3 years ago

Given how the update for Xcode 12.5 didn't require an update for 0.63, I'm going to close this off. We are currently focused on 0.64 and 0.65 so there won't be new 0.63 releases for the time being.