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Upcoming v0.64.1 cherrypicks discussion #221

Closed grabbou closed 3 years ago

grabbou commented 3 years ago

Conversations on this thread are limited to 0.64 releases major issues and backport (cherry-pick) requests from commits that are already on master.

An example of a good such request is a bug fix for a serious issue that has been merged into master but did not make the 0.64.0 cut, with a link to the specific commit hash on master with the commit to cherry-pick, like this example link:

In other words, if you cannot point to a particular commit on master, then your request likely belongs as a new issue in

PRs to merge:

Ready for cherry-pick:

Issues to resolve:

Edit by @kelset to update the status of PRs/commits/issues.

pvinis commented 3 years ago

this should be there:

TheSavior commented 3 years ago

@grabbou, can you help make a list of all the PRs we need to merge that were already cherry picked into 0.64?

thymikee commented 3 years ago – making RN compatible with upcoming Jest 27, otherwise folks will need to use yarn resolutions

kelset commented 3 years ago

+1 on what @TheSavior says; I tried looking through the comments and I think this is the list, but please @grabbou verify it:

(there were more I think but got merged in the meantime)

kelset commented 3 years ago

We should try to get this PR merged & cherry picked: - context:

kelset commented 3 years ago

worth considering too:

myckhel commented 3 years ago

Please when will TurboModule be integrated?

kelset commented 3 years ago

@myckhel please refer to

anchi20 commented 3 years ago


tido64 commented 3 years ago

@anchi20: Please read the first post:

Conversations on this thread are limited to 0.64 releases major issues and backport (cherry-pick) requests from commits that are already on master.

Please let us know when your PR has landed on master.

Bardiamist commented 3 years ago

Regression detected, font-family is not apply when secureTextEntry is true Looks we need this PR again: (that was cherrypicked in 0.63.4)

Details: super.setTypeface(tf); line at the wrong place again:

kelset commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting @Bardiamist, looks like we need to cherry-pick again the commit from master: (probably landed after 0.64 was cut)

DanielMarkiel commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if it's the correct discussion to bring this up, so I apologize in advance if not.

A bunch of people is facing the issue described here -> In short, we all are getting the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find JSIModule for class UIManager error on Android from different packages after upgrading to RN 0.64.

1) Is this a known issue? 2) If not, is someone able to tell if this is something on the RN side, or it's some kind of incompatibility issue in each of mentioned packages with RN 0.64?

The list of packages that were mentioned in discussions:

grabbou commented 3 years ago

@grabbou, can you help make a list of all the PRs we need to merge that were already cherry picked into 0.64?

@TheSavior, here is the list of commits I have applied on 0.64-stable that were not merged to master at that time:

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@DanielMarkiel looks like that crash on Android for UIManager needs an issue in the react-native repo - I was not able to find anything that looked exactly on target for Unable to find JSIModule for class UIManager (broad search attempted) though @Bardiamist was active in a maybe-related issue - any issue opened is probably going to really need a minimal reproducible example to eliminate differences between hermes or not etc etc.

Bardiamist commented 3 years ago

Unable to find JSIModule for class UIManager

I created minimal reproducible example: I'm not sure where should be issue, but just in case I created on React native repo: Also I left link to minimal reproducible example link on existing issue in react-native-gesture-handler repo:

Johan-dutoit commented 3 years ago

I believe there is a regression in the build script for iOS in 64, see:

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@Johan-dutoit more than one I think, use_frameworks is busted right now for iOS+RN64, no PR yet because it needs thought on where to put the spec generation step but there's a functioning workaround posted here and I put up a reproducible example.

mayconline commented 3 years ago

i'm problem with text input , when focusing on text input, it opens the keyboard the first time, but if you close the keyboard, and try to click on the text input again, the keyboard does not open again.

exists one issue open, but not resolution yet -

alexco2 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Would it be possible to cherrypick this? facebook/react-native#30737 This is a fix that would enable support for section list for the library react-native-collapsible-tab-view.

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@alexco2 the commit hash is the important bit:

alexco2 commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I'm new to this whole process :)

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

If this is not already in the list, I think (update Flipper) is important, because Flipper was not published to mavenCentral until 0.75.x and jcenter is going away meaning builds will break by default with react-native 0.64 unless it's updated (or 0.65 is released) - commit

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

This is just context but I did a deep dive on "jcenter/bintray is going away" to see if I could purge react-native-device-info module of jcenter uses - including the example app and it appears yoga's 'proguard-annotations' artifact is the key to it all. There are 3 items total

1- flipper itself (requested above) 2- flipper dependency on fbjni-android-only (fixed in flipper 0.79+, so we actually need a newer one than is even on main dev branch but wait...) 3- flipper dependency on yoga progaurd-annotations which is still published on jcenter only but tracked here and will require a still-newer flipper unless they publish old artifacts on jitpack or mavenCentral

kelset commented 3 years ago

@mikehardy good info, would you mind also mentioning those here?

stigi commented 3 years ago

I'd like to nominate this PR that fixes dimensions after rotation on Android and that didn't make it into 0.64.0 yet:

kbrandwijk commented 3 years ago

I would love to see this one make its way into 0.64.1, as there really is no good workaround: A (low risk?) fix to Android fontstyling of placeholder texts for secureEntry TextInput fields.

myckhel commented 3 years ago

Please what are the plans for RN 0.64.1? Could it be the version of TurboModule support?

Can't really wait to have turbomodule enabled.

pvinis commented 3 years ago

This seems useful, as the issue happened with 64.0.

eliw00d commented 3 years ago

PRs to merge:

This PR was closed in favor of So, that should make it into 0.64.1, right? This is holding us back at the moment.

Ashoat commented 3 years ago

Would be great to include Without this, Hermes crashes on Android don't log the error that causes the crash, which makes debugging really difficult.

Additional context:

kelset commented 3 years ago

updated top post with the commits/issues/PRs mentioned so far. The Xcode 12.5 fix commit is still in the works so we'll have to wait for that before proceeding.

TheSavior commented 3 years ago

We need to get this security related fix into the next patch release for 0.64:

I'll add it to the list in the OP.

robertying commented 3 years ago

Could we have this PR looked at, merged and picked? It fixes a regression issue that prevents Hermes from building on Mac Catalyst.

kelset commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, we did a small patch release to address the Xcode 12.5 issue plus the security fix; so now we can go back to "standard" and discuss 0.64.2 over here ->