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0.60.x Discussion #99

Closed grabbou closed 5 years ago

grabbou commented 5 years ago

Please note that we haven't cut 0.60-stable branch yet.

The latest release candidate is 0.59.0-rc.3. You can track it's progress here: #79

This thread is to inform you when next release candidate is going to happen. We are checking whether there is any "work-in-progress" that we should be aware of and wait before we make a next Release Candidate.

The plan is to release 0.60.0-rc.0 this week.

el-lsan commented 5 years ago


The latest release candidate is 0.59.0-rc.3. You can track it's progress here.

Please fix the link.

grabbou commented 5 years ago

Fixed. Looks like Github UI had some issues.

pvinis commented 5 years ago

Can I already ask for 🙏

grabbou commented 5 years ago

0.60 is not cut yet, so this will land.

dxhung87 commented 5 years ago

Size APK sign can smaller?? In RN 0.57 APK size is 8MB in RN 0.58 APK size is 16MB and in RN 0.59.0 APK size is 30MB. For simple app, it's too large.

mikehardy commented 5 years ago

Size APK sign can smaller?? In RN 0.57 APK size is 8MB in RN 0.58 APK size is 16MB and in RN 0.59.0 APK size is 30MB. For simple app, it's too large.

Google mandates 64-bit support for apps starting 2019-08, so to meet that React-Native started specifying the 64-bit ABIs, and then included an updated JSC. Each of those increased the size a lot, but mostly in the per-ABI parts of the APK.

You'll want to generate per-ABI APKs for Google to serve so that your end users only download the ABI they need - meaning your actual end-user downloads might be something like 30% of the size of what you see in the universal debug APKs.

The output of 'react-native init' produces a Gradle file that seems to implement this so when you do an android release build there should be multiple variants generated, at least one for each ABI.

You add each of those to your app release on the Play Store and Google will deliver the right one to the user.

More info here

And if I'm wrong in any way someone please correct me of course :-). Cheers.

guhungry commented 5 years ago

@dxhung87 React Native add support for Android App Bundle in 0.58 so it's a lot easier to optimise download for end user if you publish app via Play Store else you might need multiple apks instead.

thinkzh commented 5 years ago

在Android9.0系统上 ,text多行显示时,最后一行显示一半,好像整个text不计算行间距似的

dxhung87 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @mikehardy and @guhungry, I known Android App Bundle and some time i upload multiple apks file too. But I thinks size of apks file build by React Native is larger than native too much. If size of it grow such I things React Native isn't good choice for simple application in Android. I hope it's smaller in new version.

thinkzh commented 5 years ago

On Android 9.0, when text is displayed in multiple rows, the last line is displayed in half, as if the entire text does not calculate the row spacing.

cihati commented 5 years ago

@mikehardy thanks for the explanation. It'd be super useful to have this information in the official RN docs.

kelset commented 5 years ago

@dxhung87 @thinkzh this is not the correct place for those conversation - please use the issue section of the main repo. That said, thanks @mikehardy for explaining the change 🤗

hramos commented 5 years ago

Please cherry-pick, as it contains a fix for an issue introduced in that affects devices using Android API < 26.

estevaolucas commented 5 years ago

Please cherry-pick those updates to AccessibilityInfo

reyn-nova commented 5 years ago

What 0.60 likely will have? and is it will have any breaking changes?

grabbou commented 5 years ago

0.60 hasn’t been released yet as we are waiting for some commits to land. Please hold on with requesting cherry picks as there’s no release yet.

I will keep you updated. Current estimate is next Friday, 22 March

estevaolucas commented 5 years ago

please cherry-pick this one adding openSettings method to Linking module

kelset commented 5 years ago

Hey everyone - we have reached a decision on our approach to the releases (you can read the details here).

Related to it, we have decided to postpone the release of 0.60 of around a couple weeks: we will remove the current 0.60 branch and re-cut it in the near future. We'll open a new issue once it's cut, in order to focus on improving 0.59 in the meantime.

grabbou commented 5 years ago

Important note: many of you requested cherry-picks even though 0.60 wasn't released yet. If you need certain features or fixes and you think they are important to the community, please comment about them in 0.59 issue.