react-native-datetimepicker / datetimepicker

React Native date & time picker component for iOS, Android and Windows
MIT License
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Dialog opens twice on Android #54

Closed Niore closed 2 years ago

Niore commented 4 years ago

If i open the Datepicker it opens twice on Android. I select in the first Dialog a date. then the same dialog opens again and i have to select a date again . After the second time it will accept the input. Can someone help me?

Thats the code of the component. Most of the components are just for styling:

const DatePickerInput = ({
}) => {
  const { values, setFieldValue } = useFormikContext();
  const [t] = useTranslation('validatedTextInput');
  const [showDatePicker, setShowDatePicker] = useState(false);
  const initialDate = values[inputName] || new Date();
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(moment(initialDate).toDate());
  const datePlaceholderKey = 'datePlaceholder';
  return (
          onPress={() => setShowDatePicker(!showDatePicker)}
              ? moment(selectedDate).format('L')
              : t(datePlaceholderKey)}
          <DatePickerButtonImage source={Calendar} />
        showDatePicker && (
            onChange={(event, value) => {
              setFieldValue(inputName, value);
              // setSelectedDate(value);

Thx for your help

tranhoangduong1994 commented 4 years ago

Did you resolve this problem @Niore? I'm having a similar issue :/

Niore commented 4 years ago

no still got no solution for it.

crcass commented 4 years ago

Have you tried setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? true : false);? I remember having the same issue and I think the above was part of the solution.

Freerider689 commented 4 years ago

The problem is because of the rerender queue when using useState hooks explained here

To implicitly order the rerenders and avoid a second datepicker just do

onChange={(event, value) => {
 setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'); // first state update hides datetimepicker
 setFieldValue(inputName, value);

To be more explicit I suggest the useStateWithCallback hook created by @rwieruch here

And replace your current selectedDate state hook with the following:

const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useStateWithCallback(
    () => setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'),

With this you no longer need to set the showDatePicker state onChange() so just this:

onChange={(event, value) => {
 setFieldValue(inputName, value);
vovka-s commented 4 years ago

I fixed this problem by closing the picker before handling it's value. Swap setFieldValue and setShowDatePicker into onChange handler

onChange={(event, value) => {
    setFieldValue(inputName, value);
   // setSelectedDate(value);

Hope this will work

vancepope commented 4 years ago

@vovka-s I've been scratching my head all day on this one, thank you!

mefjuu commented 4 years ago

Another solution is just creating a memoized wrapper for avoid render phase of native component: const MemoizedDateTimePicker = React.memo((props) => <DateTimePicker {...props} />)

androdri1998 commented 4 years ago

I fixed it with the following code:

const [state, setState] = useState({
    date: new Date(),
    mode: 'date',
    show: false
  const onChange = (event, selectedDate) => {
    const currentDate = selectedDate ||;

    setState({...state, date: currentDate, show: false});
  const showPicker = currentMode => {
    setState({...state, show: true});

  { && 
nisiybr commented 4 years ago

The problem is because of the rerender queue when using useState hooks explained here

To implicitly order the rerenders and avoid a second datepicker just do

onChange={(event, value) => {
 setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'); // first state update hides datetimepicker
 setFieldValue(inputName, value);

To be more explicit I suggest the useStateWithCallback hook created by @rwieruch here

And replace your current selectedDate state hook with the following:

const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useStateWithCallback(
    () => setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'),

With this you no longer need to set the showDatePicker state onChange() so just this:

onChange={(event, value) => {
 setFieldValue(inputName, value);

Works like a charm. Thanks!

james-greenwood commented 4 years ago

For anyone who the above solution didn't work for, I was having an identical issue. Spent 3 days trying to figure it out and eventually realised it was caused by the debugger. Stopping debug fixed the issue for me.

vovka-s commented 4 years ago

try that

const handleConfirm = (datetime) => {
   hideDatePicker() //must be first
   console.log("A date has been picked: ", datetime)  
   setChosenDate(moment(datetime).format('dddd Do MMMM YYYY à HH:mm'))

If not, try to use onChange callback instead of onConfirm It works for me

sackda75 commented 4 years ago

const handleConfirm = (datetime) => { hideDatePicker() //must be first console.log("A date has been picked: ", datetime)
setChosenDate(moment(datetime).format('dddd Do MMMM YYYY à HH:mm')) }

Thank you very much ! It works !

vishwa1937 commented 4 years ago

try that

const handleConfirm = (datetime) => {
   hideDatePicker() //must be first
   console.log("A date has been picked: ", datetime)  
   setChosenDate(moment(datetime).format('dddd Do MMMM YYYY à HH:mm'))

If not, try to use onChange callback instead of onConfirm It works for me

@ vovka-s Thank you very much . It worked for me, you saved my day.

sjonchhe commented 4 years ago

For anyone who the above solution didn't work for, I was having an identical issue. Spent 3 days trying to figure it out and eventually realised it was caused by the debugger. Stopping debug fixed the issue for me.

This kind of solved it for me

Luckygirlllll commented 3 years ago

For anyone who the above solution didn't work for, I was having an identical issue. Spent 3 days trying to figure it out and eventually realised it was caused by the debugger. Stopping debug fixed the issue for me.

wow, that helped me as well, I spent about 4 hours trying to figure out what's wrong with the picker!

MorenoMdz commented 3 years ago

The problem is because of the rerender queue when using useState hooks explained here

To implicitly order the rerenders and avoid a second datepicker just do

onChange={(event, value) => {
 setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'); // first state update hides datetimepicker
 setFieldValue(inputName, value);

To be more explicit I suggest the useStateWithCallback hook created by @rwieruch here

And replace your current selectedDate state hook with the following:

const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useStateWithCallback(
    () => setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios'),

With this you no longer need to set the showDatePicker state onChange() so just this:

onChange={(event, value) => {
 setFieldValue(inputName, value);

Thank you that solved for me. I have it set this way if anybody needs a Modal component that supports both OS. DatePickerModal

rakefetWorkiz commented 3 years ago

I tried all the above, and none helped me. But using

onHide={() => setShowDatePicker(false)}

worked like a charm :)

jkdc commented 3 years ago

Hi! for me work this example when you have two DateTimePicker in same page.

    const showTimepicker = (event: any) => {
    <TextLinkButton onPress={(event) => showTimepicker(event)} label={label} />

I hope it works for you. A greeting!

rossenv commented 3 years ago

I tried all the above, and none helped me. But using

onHide={() => setShowDatePicker(false)}

worked like a charm :)

react-native-datetimepicker has no onHide method

ChanakaChampSoft commented 3 years ago

I fixed this problem by closing the picker before handling it's value. Swap setFieldValue and setShowDatePicker into onChange handler

onChange={(event, value) => {
    setFieldValue(inputName, value);
   // setSelectedDate(value);

Hope this will work

working !! Tada !!

parth-koshta commented 3 years ago

I fixed this problem by closing the picker before handling it's value. Swap setFieldValue and setShowDatePicker into onChange handler

onChange={(event, value) => {
    setFieldValue(inputName, value);
   // setSelectedDate(value);

Hope this will work

Thanks @vovka-s

hiepnh610 commented 3 years ago

I fixed this problem by closing the picker before handling it's value. Swap setFieldValue and setShowDatePicker into onChange handler

onChange={(event, value) => {
    setFieldValue(inputName, value);
   // setSelectedDate(value);

Hope this will work

Thank you so much!!! You saved my life.

daheeahn commented 3 years ago

Another solution is just creating a memoized wrapper for avoid render phase of native component: const MemoizedDateTimePicker = React.memo((props) => <DateTimePicker {...props} />)

Thanks! It works.

kapilwhaval commented 3 years ago

I tried this workaround. Works fine.

const DTPicker = ({ mode, onChange, value, placeholder, label,}) => {

    const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

    const handleDate = (e) => {
        if (e.nativeEvent.timestamp) onChange(e.nativeEvent.timestamp)
        setShow(Platform.OS === 'ios')

    return <View>
        <TextInput placeHolder={placeholder} label={label} onFocus={() => setShow(true)} value={value} />
        {React.useMemo(() => {
            return show && <DateTimePicker
                value={new Date()}
        }, [show])}
mefjuu commented 3 years ago

I tried this workaround. Works fine.

Very weird use case for useMemo... Better try to extract it to React.memo'ized component

kapilwhaval commented 3 years ago

I tried this workaround. Works fine.

Very weird use case for useMemo... Better try to extract it to React.memo'ized component

Yes. We can refactor the component as you are saying. I have just added it here in single function, so that everyone can understand

yayidg22 commented 3 years ago

I fixed this problem onConfirm={selecteddate => { setDate(selecteddate); setPickerVisible(false); } }


onConfirm={(selectedDate) => { setPickerVisible(false); setDate(selecteddate); } }

danibrear commented 3 years ago

I had this issue with the dialog showing up again after I'd selected the date value. My solution that worked is:

const [show, setShow] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
const [birthday, setBirthday] = React.useState<string | undefined>(undefined);
const onChangeDate = useCallback((event, selectedDate) => {
  }, []);

// in the render
{show && (
        new Date(
          moment().subtract(13, "years").format("yyyy-MM-DD"),
          ? new Date(birthday)
          : new Date(
              moment().subtract(13, "years").format("yyyy-MM-DD"),
      onChange={(e, v) => {
        setShow(Platform.OS === "ios");
        onChangeDate(e, v);

hope this helps!

laryssonalves commented 3 years ago

I tried this workaround. Works fine.

const DTPicker = ({ mode, onChange, value, placeholder, label,}) => {

    const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

    const handleDate = (e) => {
        if (e.nativeEvent.timestamp) onChange(e.nativeEvent.timestamp)
        setShow(Platform.OS === 'ios')

    return <View>
        <TextInput placeHolder={placeholder} label={label} onFocus={() => setShow(true)} value={value} />
        {React.useMemo(() => {
            return show && <DateTimePicker
                value={new Date()}
        }, [show])}

This solution was the only one that works for me. Someone can explain to me how useMemo works on this case?

Vigneshacme commented 3 years ago

I fixed this problem by closing the picker before handling it's value. Swap setFieldValue and setShowDatePicker into onChange handler

onChange={(event, value) => {
    setFieldValue(inputName, value);
   // setSelectedDate(value);

Hope this will work

thank you! it worked

renatomh commented 2 years ago

The suggested solution of closing the picker before anything else does not work for me. Also, I can't change the selected date.

What I believe it's happening in my case, is that due to the fact that two pickers are open, whenever I try selecting the new date on the visible picker, the picker behind it forces the date to be the previous selected value.

Here's what happens on my code when:

Also, what's the default behaivour of 'onChange'? Should it get triggered whenever you click on a new date? Or only after you click 'Ok' to confirm the selected date? If the first option is the default behaviour, I believe that this method is only getting attached to the 'second' picker, which is not visible at first.

Here's the relevant part of the current code I'm working with:

  const [usedAt, setUsedAt] = useState(new Date());
  const [showDatePicker, setShowDatePicker] = useState(false);

  return (

      {showDatePicker && (
          onChange={(e: Event, date?: Date) => {
            setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios');
            setUsedAt(date || usedAt);
renatomh commented 2 years ago

The suggested solution of closing the picker before anything else does not work for me. Also, I can't change the selected date.

What I believe it's happening in my case, is that due to the fact that two pickers are open, whenever I try selecting the new date on the visible picker, the picker behind it forces the date to be the previous selected value.

Here's what happens on my code when:

  • Closing the picker before setting the value:

    • Android emulator, when I close the picker, the second picker just pops and disappear, date does not change;
    • Android Physical Device: when I close the picker, the second picker also gets closed and it's not possible to change the date;
  • Setting the value before closing the picker:

    • On the Android emulator, when I close the picker, the second picker just pops and disappear, date does not change;
    • Android Physical Device, when I close the picker, the second picker becomes visible and it's possible to select the date;

Also, what's the default behaivour of 'onChange'? Should it get triggered whenever you click on a new date? Or only after you click 'Ok' to confirm the selected date? If the first option is the default behaviour, I believe that this method is only getting attached to the 'second' picker, which is not visible at first.

Here's the relevant part of the current code I'm working with:

  const [usedAt, setUsedAt] = useState(new Date());
  const [showDatePicker, setShowDatePicker] = useState(false);

  return (

      {showDatePicker && (
          onChange={(e: Event, date?: Date) => {
            setShowDatePicker(Platform.OS === 'ios');
            setUsedAt(date || usedAt);

I've managed to get it to work now. Basically, I had to create a function with the 'useCallback' hook to deal with the date selection event like so:

  const handleDateChange = useCallback(
    (event: Event, date: Date | undefined) => {
      if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
      if (date) setUsedAt(date);

  return (

      {showDatePicker && (
carlossison75 commented 2 years ago

I'm 2 years late and I don't know if this is fixed already since I didn't read everything, but whoever still having this issue, just close the modal first before setting the new date.

vonovak commented 2 years ago

Hello 👋 , this issues should be resolved in

With that, I'm closing the issue, Thank you! 🙂

Shail-Patel-1 commented 1 year ago

try that

const handleConfirm = (datetime) => {
   hideDatePicker() //must be first
   console.log("A date has been picked: ", datetime)  
   setChosenDate(moment(datetime).format('dddd Do MMMM YYYY à HH:mm'))

If not, try to use onChange callback instead of onConfirm It works for me

Thank you so much this work like charm i was struggling from many days

chefk5 commented 1 year ago

try that

const handleConfirm = (datetime) => {
   hideDatePicker() //must be first
   console.log("A date has been picked: ", datetime)  
   setChosenDate(moment(datetime).format('dddd Do MMMM YYYY à HH:mm'))

If not, try to use onChange callback instead of onConfirm It works for me

Still works!

Suliman-A commented 1 year ago


which debugger do you mean exactly?

iamemiliano commented 1 year ago

I hope you are doing well. I have a problem with react native on Android. In IOS, it works well but when i open a componant who includes a DataTimePicker in Android, it automatically shows me the DatatimePicker. Do you know what the problem is in my code ?

             <View style={styles.dateContainer}>
                <Text style={styles.customLabelDate}>
                    Date de naissance
                    onChange={(event, value) => {
                            type: UPDATE,
                            payload: { name: "dateOfBirth", value: value },

This is the result :


Thanks in advance.

chefk5 commented 1 year ago

@iamemiliano you need to wrap it with a state and show it according to it. Have a look in the example

            {show && (
              textColor={textColor || undefined}
              accentColor={accentColor || undefined}
DanielDelneri commented 1 year ago

I have a problem where the dialog opens twice and I can't pick a date (after I click on a date it get back to the starting one instantly).

`const handleData1 = (event,date)=>{ setShowstart(Platform.OS === 'ios')

if(event.type === "set"){


<Text onPress={()=>setShowstart(true)}>{start.toDateString()}</Text> {showStart==true &&(<View> <DateTimePicker value={start} mode="date" textColor='white' style={{ marginBottom:30, marginTop:30, zIndex:1000,}} themeVariant='dark' onChange={handleData1} accentColor="white"/> </View>) }

I've tried to console log the event type and the value of showStart and for example on the dismiss I get 2 console log of event.type dismiss and after I click on the first dialog cancel the second one is still open and the value of showStart is false (how is it possible that even if the value showStart is false it still render the dialog)

ShizaSiddiqui commented 1 year ago

setShowCalendarToDate(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? true : false); //first line of onChange function

This will solve the android issue. But if you do not do this, iOS will start misbehaving. For example, if you set either month, year, or date, the iOS picker will disappear before letting you select all three.

Onikiri1 commented 1 year ago

hi, im working on a task app, and when i use te DateTimePicker, it opens twice and doesnt show the selected date. i've tried all above and nothing really worked, this is what im working on <DateTimePicker value={date} mode={"time"} is24Hour={true} onChange={(event, value) => { setShowDatePicker(!showDatePicker); setDate(selectedDate); }} style={{width: "80%"}} />

Shail-Patel-1 commented 1 year ago

This is what you might have done

 const handleConfirm = selectedDateFromPicker => {
    setDate(prevState => ({
      [type]: Helper.convertToIsoDateString(selectedDateFromPicker),
   **hideDatePicker();** --> _HERE_

You should do something like this

 const handleConfirm = selectedDateFromPicker => {
  **hideDatePicker();** --> _HERE_
    setDate(prevState => ({
      [type]: Helper.convertToIsoDateString(selectedDateFromPicker),

You should first hide the date picker than you can do any operations you want This will work. @Onikiri1

I had the same issue. fixed this way and working fine if you don't get my code let me know i will show you the working of it

Here is the elaborated ansswer

Check this answer

R-s-rawat commented 1 year ago

yes same here in deadline stage

SadatJubayer commented 1 month ago

If anyone is still facing this issue, you can try this easy fix:

const [showDatePicker, setShowDatePicker] = useState(false);

{showDatePicker && (
    value={new Date()}
    onChange={(_, newDate) => {
      setShowDatePicker(() => {
        return false; 

In onChange, setShowDatePicker's callback function updates the date and then updates the showdatePicker state by returning false.