react-native-image-picker / react-native-image-picker

:sunrise_over_mountains: A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera.
MIT License
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Android > Camera > take picture > accept > crash #795

Closed jslz closed 5 years ago

jslz commented 6 years ago

On (only) some Android devices (e.g. Moto E 2015 running 5.1.1, Moto G2 running 6.0) using "Take Photo..." will lead to a crash, whereas "Choose from Library..." works fine.

How to repeat issue and example

can't show the whole app but

  onUseCamera = debouncePress(() => ImagePicker.launchCamera(PICKER_OPTIONS, this.onPickerDone));

  onUseLibrary = debouncePress(() => ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary(PICKER_OPTIONS, this.onPickerDone));

  onPickerDone = debouncePress((response:any) => {
    if (response.didCancel) {
      Debug.logFn(() => { return ['User cancelled image picker']; });
    else if (response.error) {
      Debug.logFn(() => { return ['ImagePicker Error ', response.error]; });
    else {
      runInAction(() => this.localAvatarUrl = response.uri);


(Avoid tickling whatever is bad in the device specific Android implementation?)

Additional Information

E/mm-camera(  285): module_drsd_start_session:1189] E
E/mm-camera-img(  285): module_imglib_start_session:1468 ###Img_Loglevel 0
E/mm-camera(  285): module_drsd_start_session:1210] X rc = 0
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build:  ()
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.04
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): Build Date: 04/06/15 Mon
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): Local Branch:
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): Remote Branch:
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): Local Patches:
I/Adreno-EGL( 2005): Reconstruct Branch:
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_get_version: lib returned version 3.61 err=0
I/OpenGLRenderer( 2005): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer( 2005): Enabling debug mode 0
W/ResourceType( 1147): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
W/PackageManager( 1147): Failure retrieving resources for Resource ID #0x0
I/MotoNetwCtrlr( 1147): onReceive: Received intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoWifiSignalCtrlr( 1147): handleBroadcast: Entered: Intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): isDirty: returns true
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [0] setWifiIndicators (Motorola api): UseMotoUI=true Vis=true SBSig=0x7f02014c=stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully SBAct=0x7f0204ff=zz_moto_stat_sys_wifi_in_fully_wide DescSig="Wifi signal full." DescAct="wifi in" NetName=""laserlike""
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_module_start_session:345, info: starting session 2
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_thread_func:45: c2d_thread entering the polling loop... thread_id is 3483
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [1] setWifiIndicators (Motorola api): UseMotoUI=true Vis=true SBSig=0x7f02014c=stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully SBAct=0x7f0204ff=zz_moto_stat_sys_wifi_in_fully_wide DescSig="Wifi signal full." DescAct="wifi in" NetName=""laserlike""
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [2] setWifiIndicators (Motorola api): UseMotoUI=true Vis=true SBSig=0x7f02014c=stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully SBAct=0x7f0204ff=zz_moto_stat_sys_wifi_in_fully_wide DescSig="Wifi signal full." DescAct="wifi in" NetName=""laserlike""
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoWifiSignalCtrlr( 1147): handleBroadcast: Completed
I/MotoNetwCtrlr( 1147): onReceive: Completed intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_module_start_session:419, info: session 2 started.
V/WindowManager(  818): Adding window Window{57a172a u0 SurfaceView} at 6 of 13 (before Window{1de2adcc u0})
I/ContextFactory( 2005): Creating OpenGL ES 3.0 context
D/WearableService( 1676): onGetService - Wear is not available on this device.
I/mm-camera-sensor(  285): s5k5e2_otp_validate_crc: OTP_CRC f79c CALC CRC f79c CALC Reverse CRC 3585 matches? 1
I/mm-camera-sensor(  285): calculate_rg_bg_calib_factors: Final calibration factor RG value: 1.053962 BG Value: 1.062418 GB/GR: 1.000000
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): actuator_load_lib:809 name=rohm_bu64245gwz, mode=camera
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): actuator_load_lib:809 name=rohm_bu64245gwz, mode=camcorder
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): module_sensor_query_mod:4412 led flash is not supported for this sensor.
E/mm-camera(  285): Tuning lib open failed: dlopen failed: library "" not found
E/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_camera_open:  opened, break out while loop
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera(): enable_4k2k is 0
D/mm-jpeg-intf(  263): jpeg_open gMmCameraJpegLogLevel=1
E/qomx_image_core(  263): OMX_Init:94] Complete 2
I/LaunchCheckinHandler(  818): Displayed,wp,ca,1277
I/ActivityManager(  818): Displayed +1s277ms
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1048576
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):HeapMemsize 1048576
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1048576
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 1048576
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, size_t, unsigned int) : No memory pool available and So allocate new buffer
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 1048576 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 1048576
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 1048576
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=65544
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=65544
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, size_t, unsigned int) : No memory pool available and So allocate new buffer
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 69632 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported preview sizes: 1280x960,1280x720,960x720,960x540,864x480,768x432,720x480,640x480,320x240,176x144
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported video sizes: 1280x720,960x540,864x480,720x480,640x480,352x288,320x240,176x144
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported video sizes: 1280x720,960x540,864x480,720x480,640x480,352x288,320x240,176x144
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported pic sizes: 2560x1920,2560x1440,1920x1080,1440x1080,1280x960,1280x720,640x480,352x288
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported fps ranges: (15000,15000),(15000,30000),(24000,30000)
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPreviewFpsRange(int, int, int, int): Updated: minFps = 15000, maxFps = 30000 , vid minFps = 15000, vid maxFps = 30000
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): level: 0, preview minfps 15000.000000, preview maxfpS 30000.000000, video minfps 15000.000000, video maxfpS 30000.000000
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): Thermal level 0, FPS [15.00,30.00, 15.00,30.00], frameskip 0
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPreviewFpsRange(int, int, int, int): Thermal adjusted Preview fps range 15.00,30.00, 15.00, 30.00
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported fps rates: 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setFocusMode(const char*): Setting focus mode auto
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setWhiteBalance(const char*): Setting WhiteBalance value auto
E/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported flash modes cnt is 0!!!
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSceneMode(const char*): Setting SceneMode auto
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setISOValue(const char*): Setting ISO value auto
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(), Exposure time min 0.000000 ms, max 0.000000 ms
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(), ISO min 0, max 0
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setAEBracket(const char*), EXP_BRACKETING_OFF
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): Supported WNR:ON/OFF default:ON
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): Supported TINTLESS:ON/OFF default:ON
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value on 1
E/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setResetRoi(const char*): Setting reset-roi value to off (0)
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setDISValue(const char*): Setting DIS value disable
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSeeMore(const char*): seeMoreStr =off
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): totalram = 942436352, freeram = 23461888
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
I/Thermal-Lib(  263): Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camera with handle:17
I/Thermal-Lib(  263): Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camcorder with handle:18
E/MotISP_GPU(  263): int MotISP_GPU::Init(int, int): GPU resolution: 1920x1080
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
I/Thermal-Lib(  263): Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camera with handle:19
I/Thermal-Lib(  263): Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camcorder with handle:20
W/CameraMotExt( 2005): CameraMotExt Supported
I/QCamera2HWI(  263): getParameters standard
I/GoogleInputMethod(10603): onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Starting Watchdog Thread...
I/GoogleInputMethod(10603): onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
I/QCamera2HWI(  263): updateParameters non-standard params: 1
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
I/QCamera2HWI(  263): getParameters all
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build:  ()
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.04
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): Build Date: 04/06/15 Mon
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): Local Branch:
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): Remote Branch:
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): Local Patches:
I/Adreno-EGL(  263): Reconstruct Branch:
I/ActivityManager(  818): Process (pid 1871) has died
D/ActivityManager(  818): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1871
W/ActivityManager(  818): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Starting Watchdog Thread...
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoNetwCtrlrImpl.MotorolaMobileSignalController( 2 ) ( 1147): MotorolaMobilePhoneStateListener.onSignalStrengthsChanged: Entered: signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 21 -103 -10 116 2147483647 2147483647 gsm|lte 0 -108 -1 false 0 0 0 0 3 99 99 99 5 0 level=3
I/art     ( 2005): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13284(1003KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(238KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 10MB/10MB, paused 3.279ms total 246.170ms
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::updateParameters(const char*, bool&): ZEROMOTION: onTouchDownSwLag = 133 ms, touchDuration = 0 ms
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::updateParameters(const char*, bool&): ZEROMOTION: mTouchUpFrameTime = 0, mTouchDownFrameTime = 0
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPreviewSize(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): Requested preview size 960 x 540
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPictureSize(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): Requested picture size 2560 x 1440
D/QCameraParameters(  263): updateFovParams: (2560x1920) is (60.200001/46.799999), (2560x1440) is (60.200001/36.000000)
D/QCameraParameters(  263): Param m_bNoDisplayMode = 0
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPreviewFpsRange(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): FpsRange Values:(15000, 30000)
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPreviewFpsRange(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): Requested FpsRange Values:(15000, 30000)
D/QCameraParameters(  263): HFR mode is OFF
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setFocusMode(const char*): Setting focus mode continuous-picture
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value on 1
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setFssr(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): FSSR is not supported
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setSeeMore(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): str =off & prev_str =off
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setMultiTouchFocus(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): multi-touch focus is not supported
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
I/QCamera2HWI(  263): getParameters all
W/AppSettings( 2005): Setting failed to set: QC_CDS
W/AppSettings( 2005): Before write: null, after: off
W/SetParamsCallable( 2005): Failed to write settings: [QC_CDS]
D/ConnectivityManager( 1147): getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 1485): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=2 phoneId=0
D/PhoneInterfaceManager( 1485): [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=2 retVal=false
D/ConnectivityManager( 1147): getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=false
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoNetwCtrlrImpl.MotorolaMobileSignalController( 2 ) ( 1147): isDirty: returns true
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoNetwCtrlrImpl.MotorolaMobileSignalController( 2 ) ( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [0] setMobileDataIndicators (Motorola api): mobileUseMotoUI=true mobileEnabled=true mobileSimIconId=( none ) mobileSignalIconId=0x7f020492=zz_moto_stat_sys_signal_3_of_5_fully_separated_wide mobileRoamingIconId=( none ) mobileDataTypeIconId=0x7f02038e=zz_moto_stat_sys_data_disabled_4g_lte_wide mobileDataActivityIconId=0x7f020337=zz_moto_stat_sys_data_activity_empty_wide mobileCarrierDescription="USMobile" mobileSimDescription="" mobileSignalContentDescription="phone signal three bars" mobileRoamingDescription="" mobileDataTypeContentDescription="4 G L T E" mobileDataActivityContentDescription="mobile data disabled" mobileIsRoaming=false isDataTypeIconWide=true mobileIsBidiDirectionEnabled=true mobileSubId=2
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoNetwCtrlrImpl.MotorolaMobileSignalController( 2 ) ( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [1] setMobileDataIndicators (Motorola api): mobileUseMotoUI=true mobileEnabled=true mobileSimIconId=( none ) mobileSignalIconId=0x7f020492=zz_moto_stat_sys_signal_3_of_5_fully_separated_wide mobileRoamingIconId=( none ) mobileDataTypeIconId=0x7f02038e=zz_moto_stat_sys_data_disabled_4g_lte_wide mobileDataActivityIconId=0x7f020337=zz_moto_stat_sys_data_activity_empty_wide mobileCarrierDescription="USMobile" mobileSimDescription="" mobileSignalContentDescription="phone signal three bars" mobileRoamingDescription="" mobileDataTypeContentDescription="4 G L T E" mobileDataActivityContentDescription="mobile data disabled" mobileIsRoaming=false isDataTypeIconWide=true mobileIsBidiDirectionEnabled=true mobileSubId=2
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoNetwCtrlrImpl.MotorolaMobileSignalController( 2 ) ( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [2] setMobileDataIndicators (Motorola api): mobileUseMotoUI=true mobileEnabled=true mobileSimIconId=( none ) mobileSignalIconId=0x7f020492=zz_moto_stat_sys_signal_3_of_5_fully_separated_wide mobileRoamingIconId=( none ) mobileDataTypeIconId=0x7f02038e=zz_moto_stat_sys_data_disabled_4g_lte_wide mobileDataActivityIconId=0x7f020337=zz_moto_stat_sys_data_activity_empty_wide mobileCarrierDescription="USMobile" mobileSimDescription="" mobileSignalContentDescription="phone signal three bars" mobileRoamingDescription="" mobileDataTypeContentDescription="4 G L T E" mobileDataActivityContentDescription="mobile data disabled" mobileIsRoaming=false isDataTypeIconWide=true mobileIsBidiDirectionEnabled=true mobileSubId=2
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoNetwCtrlrImpl.MotorolaMobileSignalController( 2 ) ( 1147): MotorolaMobilePhoneStateListener.onSignalStrengthsChanged: completed: level=3
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Starting Watchdog Thread...
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Starting Watchdog Thread...
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): E PROFILE_START_PREVIEW
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1036
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1036
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, size_t, unsigned int) : No memory pool available and So allocate new buffer
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 4096 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 15 buffers for streamtype 7
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): virtual qcamera::QCameraHeapMemory* qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::allocateStreamInfoBuf(cam_stream_type_t): stream_type 7, stream format 99,stream dimension 455488x1, num_bufs 15
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 15 buffers for streamtype 7
E/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=99
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1036
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1036
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, size_t, unsigned int) : No memory pool available and So allocate new buffer
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 4096 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 15 buffers for streamtype 1
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): virtual qcamera::QCameraHeapMemory* qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::allocateStreamInfoBuf(cam_stream_type_t): stream_type 1, stream format 2,stream dimension 960x540, num_bufs 15
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 15 buffers for streamtype 1
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_util_find_matched_existing_src_port#166: X
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x20002, reserved
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_module_notify_add_stream:1360, info: success, identity=0x20002
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x20002, reserved
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoWifiHndlr( 1147): handleMessage: Entered msg.what=1
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): isDirty: returns true
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [0] setWifiIndicators (Motorola api): UseMotoUI=true Vis=true SBSig=0x7f02014c=stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully SBAct=0x7f020503=zz_moto_stat_sys_wifi_inout_fully_wide DescSig="Wifi signal full." DescAct="wifi in and out" NetName=""laserlike""
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [1] setWifiIndicators (Motorola api): UseMotoUI=true Vis=true SBSig=0x7f02014c=stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully SBAct=0x7f020503=zz_moto_stat_sys_wifi_inout_fully_wide DescSig="Wifi signal full." DescAct="wifi in and out" NetName=""laserlike""
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotorolaWifiSignalController( 1147): notifyListeners: calling SB [2] setWifiIndicators (Motorola api): UseMotoUI=true Vis=true SBSig=0x7f02014c=stat_sys_wifi_signal_4_fully SBAct=0x7f020503=zz_moto_stat_sys_wifi_inout_fully_wide DescSig="Wifi signal full." DescAct="wifi in and out" NetName=""laserlike""
I/art     ( 2005): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1150(72KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(35KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 10MB/17MB, paused 1.104ms total 161.506ms
I/MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoWifiHndlr( 1147): handleMessage: Completed
D/SensorListener(  285): void android::SensorListener::enableSensor(android::SensorListener::sensor_type_t): SensorEventQueue enableSensor(TYPE_DISPLAY_ROTATE)
E/mm-camera(  285): module_faceproc_client_create:1070] Face proc feature mask e 0
D/SensorListener(  285): int android::sensor_events_listener(int, int, void*): SensorEventQueue TYPE_DISPLAY_ROTATE read(vector.x=-1), orient=0
E/mm-camera(  285): is_thread_handler thread_id is 3509
E/mm-camera(  285): is_thread_handler: Starting IS thread handler
E/mm-camera(  285): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
E/mm-camera(  285): Fail,cpphw=0xb8aa9168, hw_params=0xb8b76408, chromatix_ptr=0x0, trigger=0xb8c62df0
E/mm-camera(  285): Fail,cpphw=0xb8aa9168, hw_params=0xb8b76408, chromatix_ptr=0x0, trigger=0xb8c62df0
E/mm-camera(  285): af_port_handle_module_event: HFR Mode: 0!
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_set_parameters: Unsupported parameter:33
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_util_set_la: vfe not started yet
E/mm-camera(  285): stats_port_proc_downstream_set_parm Enable AEC & AWB subsampling optimizations
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1036
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=1 size=1036
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, size_t, unsigned int) : No memory pool available and So allocate new buffer
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 4096 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 8 buffers for streamtype 3
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): virtual qcamera::QCameraHeapMemory* qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::allocateStreamInfoBuf(cam_stream_type_t): stream_type 3, stream format 2,stream dimension 2560x1440, num_bufs 8
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 8 buffers for streamtype 3
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::startPreview(): E
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): level: 0, preview minfps 15000.000000, preview maxfpS 30000.000000, video minfps 15000.000000, video maxfpS 30000.000000
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::calcThermalLevel(qcamera::qcamera_thermal_level_enum_t, int, int, cam_fps_range_t&, msm_vfe_frame_skip_pattern&): Thermal level 0, FPS [15.00,30.00, 15.00,30.00], frameskip 0
E/mm-camera(  285): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
E/mm-camera(  285): module_drsd_port_event_func:605] Invalid type for reprocess
E/mm-camera(  285): module_faceproc_port_event_func:541] Invalid type for reprocess 20002 20002
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=15 size=455488
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):StreamMemsize 455488
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=15 size=455488
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 455488
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 458752 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 6832320
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 6832320
E/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 15, stream type = 7
D/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb8ddf830 type: 7
D/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb8ddf830 type: 7
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int qcamera::QCameraParameters::getPreviewHalPixelFormat() const: format 17
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=15 size=0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(uint8_t, size_t) : E
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(uint8_t, size_t): usage = 1073872896, geometry: 0xb8e215f8, 960, 540, 960, 540, 17
I/ActivityManager(  818): Process com.motorola.MotGallery2 (pid 3018) has died
D/ActivityManager(  818): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3018
W/ActivityManager(  818): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.motorola.MotGallery2/com.motorola.blur.service.blur.JobSchedulerService in 10592ms
I/ActivityManager(  818): Process (pid 1982) has died
D/ActivityManager(  818): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 1982
W/ActivityManager(  818): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 20590ms
I/ActivityManager(  818): Process com.vzw.apnservice (pid 32630) has died
D/ActivityManager(  818): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 32630
W/ActivityManager(  818): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.vzw.apnservice/.VZWAPNService in 55451ms
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(uint8_t, size_t) : X
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Failed to parse RCN enabled status from null
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0
I/DeviceScanner( 5222): [MDNS] Received response from "Tv-main-right" (f9f5096ced3b145d5acc829dfdb9f827) with result "0 No change"
I/DeviceScanner( 5222): [MDNS] Received response from "Huddle-chromecast" (78bc0887f49680ca096181f024517d1e) with result "0 No change"
E/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 15, stream type = 1
D/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb8ddfa18 type: 1
D/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb8ddfa18 type: 1
E/mm-camera(  285): decide_isp_nums_camif: num_isp = 1
E/mm-camera(  285): decide_isp_nums_camif: num_isp = 1
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x0, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
I/DeviceScanner( 5222): [MDNS] Received response from "Huddle-chromecast" (78bc0887f49680ca096181f024517d1e) with result "0 No change"
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Failed to parse RCN enabled status from null
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0
I/DeviceScanner( 5222): [MDNS] Received response from "Tv-main-left " (d640a4edb148d444f972f51f991b28f1) with result "0 No change"
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Failed to parse RCN enabled status from null
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0
I/DeviceScanner( 5222): [MDNS] Received response from "Tv-conf-main " (97b10eff4e3b00af969c91aa5e11275f) with result "0 No change"
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Failed to parse RCN enabled status from null
W/MdnsDeviceScannerEntry( 5222): Invalid remote control notifications enabled status; 0
I/DeviceScanner( 5222): [MDNS] Received response from "Tv-conf-main " (97b10eff4e3b00af969c91aa5e11275f) with result "0 No change"
I/WindowState(  818): WIN DEATH: Window{17e5a6b9 u0}
D/ConnectivityService(  818): ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=514, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@32ed5093)
D/ConnectivityService(  818): releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=514, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
E/ConnectivityService(  818): RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=514, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 3, stream_type = 3
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 2, stream_id = 3, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_handle_stream_config_event: w = 2560, h = 1920, ma = 90, p = 0
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): chromatix_load_library:36
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): chromatix ptr 0xb5de0004
I/mm-camera-sensor(  285): perform_white_balance_cal: SNAPSHOT: Calibrating WB for
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): chromatix_load_library:36
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): chromatix ptr 0xb4fca004
I/mm-camera-sensor(  285): perform_white_balance_cal: NONSNAPSHOT: Calibrating WB for
I/ActivityManager(  818): Process (pid 23896) has died
D/ActivityManager(  818): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 23896
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): chromatix_load_library:36
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): chromatix ptr 0xb4fbd004
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): af_actuator_set_params:688 E
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_handle_set_is_enable: IS enable = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_config: tint_correction_strength updated to 4
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_update_chromatix_params: lib returned config err=0
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): mot_af_deinit: E
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_handle_set_is_enable: IS enable = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x20002, STREAMON
E/mm-camera(  285): awb_port_update_awb_data r_gain; 1.158749, g_gain: 1.000000, b_gain: 1.855288, cct: 4100
E/mm-camera-img(  285): Face Album FILE EXISTS
D/mm-camera(  285): c2d_module_handle_streamon_event:1414, identity=0x20002, stream-on done
E/AEC_PORT(  285): ddd exp 0.016658 iso 59
E/AEC_PORT(  285): #### aec_port_get_aec_data runs
E/AEC_PORT(  285): aec_port_proc_get_aec_data exp 0.016658 iso 59, exp-idx: 240, lc: 1012, gain: 1.180329
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_streamon: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, active_count = 0 flash=FALSE
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_proc_streamon: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_streamon: X, session_id = 2, rc = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_send_streamon_done_event_downstream: ignore this streamon, hal_bundling_mask = 0x3, streamon_mask = 0x1
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x20002, STREAMON, ret = 0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=5 size=5652480
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):StreamMemsize 5652480
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=5 size=5652480
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 5652480
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 28262400
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 28262400
D/QCameraStream(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraStream::getBufs(cam_frame_len_offset_t*, uint8_t*, uint8_t**, mm_camera_buf_def_t**, mm_camera_map_unmap_ops_tbl_t*): Still need to allocate 3 buffers
E/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 8, stream type = 3
D/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb8ddfc00 type: 3
D/mm-camera-intf(  263): mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb8ddfc00 type: 3
D/QCameraStream(  263): static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::BufAllocRoutine(void*): E
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 2, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 3, stream_type = 3
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 2, stream_id = 3, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_handle_stream_config_event: w = 2560, h = 1920, ma = 90, p = 0
W/ExifInterface( 2005): Skip the tag entry since tag number is not defined: 2
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_handle_set_is_enable: IS enable = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_config: same cfg as current
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_update_chromatix_params: lib returned config err=0
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_handle_set_is_enable: IS enable = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x20003, STREAMON
E/mm-camera(  285): awb_port_update_awb_data r_gain; 1.158749, g_gain: 1.000000, b_gain: 1.855288, cct: 4100
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_streamon: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 3, active_count = 0 flash=FALSE
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_proc_streamon: E, session_id = 2, stream_id = 3, stream_type = 3
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_ch_util_sync_stream_cfg_to_channel: cannot find channel, Adding new channel for stream id 2
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_add_meta_channel: no meta data, session_id = 2, stream_id = 2
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_ch_util_sync_stream_cfg_to_channel: cannot find channel, Adding new channel for stream id 3
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_add_meta_channel: no meta data, session_id = 2, stream_id = 3
E/mm-camera(  285): is_port_event:610 id = 20002, steam_type = 1, w = 960, h = 540, IS mode = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_thread_proc_cmd: start/stop, thread_data = 0xb8c9d678, action_code = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_config: cfg: 10x13 mesh, 8x8 subgrid, subgrid sz 28x28
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_mesh_config: lib returned mesh config err=0
E/mm-camera(  285): color_xform_update_s_value path 0 scaling_factor 0.000000
E/mm-camera(  285): color_xform_update_s_value path 1 scaling_factor 0.000000
E/mm-camera(  285): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): mesh_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): sce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera(  285): color_correct_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): la_hist_trigger_update: luma target from AEC = 0! use default LA curve
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_stat_config: pointer okay
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_config: cfg: camif 2560x1920, elem sz 80x80, elems 24x32
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_tintless_stat_config: lib returned config err=0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_ch_util_streamon: session_id = 2, vfe_mask = 0x1, async streamon, rc = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): stats_action_buf_config: cfg = 1, stats_mask = 0x7b8
E/mm-camera(  285): stats_action: stats mask = 0x7b8
E/NEW_BHD ( 3526): Battery Power Supply logging Daemon start!!!!!
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000101, is_subscribe = 1
E/NEW_BHD ( 3526): Cannot run on production devices!
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_thread_proc_cmd: start/stop ack done, thread_data = 0xb8c9d678, action_code = 1, rc = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_ch_util_streamon: session_id = 2, sync ack done
E/mm-camera(  285): color_xform_update_s_value path 0 scaling_factor 1.000000
E/mm-camera(  285): color_xform_update_s_value path 1 scaling_factor 2.666667
E/mm-camera(  285): isp_streamon: X, session_id = 2, rc = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_send_streamon_done_event_downstream: notify stream done downstream
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x20003, STREAMON, ret = 0
E/mm-camera-sensor(  285): module_sensor_stream_on: Sending start bus message
E/mm-camera(  285): mct_bus_sof_thread_run thread_id is 3529
D/QCameraParameters(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value on 1
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=3 size=5652480
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):StreamMemsize 5652480
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*) : alloc E count=3 size=5652480
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocStart(size_t, int, const char*):Memsize 5652480
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
E/mm-camera(  285): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
I/mm-camera-sensor(  285): s5k5e2_otp_validate_crc: OTP_CRC f79c CALC CRC f79c CALC Reverse CRC 3585 matches? 1
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::startPreview(): X
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): X
I/QCameraHalWatchdog(  263): Stopped Watchdog Thread...
E/mm-camera(  285): color_correct_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_correct_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_set_parameters: Unsupported parameter:35
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, unsigned int, size_t, bool) : ION buffer 1 with size 5652480 allocated
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 16957440
D/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263):  void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) : X
E/QCameraHWI_Mem(  263): void qcamera::QCameraMemory::traceLogAllocEnd(size_t) 16957440
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x20003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x20003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO, ret = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x20003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x20003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO, ret = 0
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x20003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO
E/mm-camera(  285): port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x20003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO, ret = 0
D/QCameraStream(  263): static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::BufAllocRoutine(void*): X
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::kpi_preview_stream_cb_routine(): CameraKpiTag: PREVIEW_START_TIME : 504
E/mm-camera(  285): color_correct_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [AF_DBG] int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): focusMode=6, m_currentFocusState=0, m_bAFRunning=0
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : -1056908
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
E/MotISP_GPU(  263): int MotISP_GPU::Init(int, int): GPU resolution: 960x540
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::preview_stream_cb_routine(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, qcamera::QCameraStream*, void*) : PROFILE_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
E/mm-camera(  285): color_correct_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): la_hist_trigger_update: luma target from AEC = 0! use default LA curve
E/mm-camera(  285): color_correct_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
E/mm-camera(  285): color_conversion_trigger_update: Ignore AEC settled
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [AF_DBG] int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): focusMode=6, m_currentFocusState=0, m_bAFRunning=0
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : -1056871
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
D/QCameraParameters(  263): [KPI Perf] int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setFaceDetection(bool): PROFILE_FACE_DETECTION_VALUE = 1 num_fd = 5
E/mm-camera(  285): mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::sendCommand(int32_t, int32_t&, int32_t&): FaceDetection -> Enabled
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_FOCUSED
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): ZEROMOTION: mLastFocusedFrameTime = 1518725148827
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [AF_DBG] int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): focusMode=6, m_currentFocusState=1, m_bAFRunning=0
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : -1056841
D/QCameraParameters(  263): updateFocusDistances: setting KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCES as 0.204999,0.245151,0.304863
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [KPI Perf] static void* qcamera::QCameraCbNotifier::cbNotifyRoutine(void*) : PROFILE_SENDING_FOCUS_EVT_TO APP
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
I/ServiceManager(  235): service 'AtCmdFwd' died
I/ActivityManager(  818): Process com.qualcomm.telephony (pid 3095) has died
D/ActivityManager(  818): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3095
W/ActivityManager(  818): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qualcomm.atfwd/.AtFwdService in 65018ms
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): awb_bayer_set_led_gains AWB decision invalid. return
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): af_process_parse_stats: Invalid FV data!
D/Checkin ( 2005): publish the event [tag = MOT_CAMERA_STATS event name = CAMERA_READY]
E/mm-camera-CORE(  285): awb_bayer_set_led_gains AWB decision invalid. return
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): [AF_DBG] int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): focusMode=6, m_currentFocusState=0, m_bAFRunning=0
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): CameraKpiTag: FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : -1056740
D/QCamera2HWI(  263): int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
D/ConnectivityService(  818): ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=539, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@224a48d0)
bitshadow commented 6 years ago

I am also having the similar issue in android devices. Either Take photo crashes the app or changes the context of the app to camera app and resets the navigation of the app.

jslz commented 6 years ago

apparently is an android / react-native problem that shows up in other camera related libraries as well... unclear to me if that means it is a firmware issue (and if there's any work arounds), or if it is just a common thing to get wrong at the library level.


smithaitufe commented 6 years ago

In my case, ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary crashes the app.

deepeshkarkee commented 6 years ago

Possible Solution:

There is a high chance that this is not a React Native issue, rather that of your phone(Only Android) settings. Try this:

  1. Go to Settings > Developer options.
  2. Scroll Down till you find "Don't keep activities". Usually it should be under "App" heading.
  3. Disable it IF it's enabled. (If its disabled, then this solution is not for you)
  4. Try running the file upload now. It should work.

** Description:

Happy coding

MrHubble commented 6 years ago

The solution above does not apply to me because I already had Don't keep activities disabled. Has anyone found any other solutions?

MaheshNandam commented 6 years ago

Hey my bad,

its react-native-camera, @joshuapinter thanks for correcting me.

joshuapinter commented 6 years ago

@MaheshNandam No worries. I was so deep in both of these libraries, my own brain was playing tricks on me. :) Gonna delete my comment so it doesn't look like I'm talking to myself.

krewllobster commented 5 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue on a Moto X4 using Android 9. I also have "don't keep activities" disabled, so I'm also looking for another solution. I experienced the same issue with react-native-image-picker and swapped to this library hoping it would fix, but it didn't.

I tried decreasing the size and quality of the image to help with memory, but that didn't produce any different results. Here are my picker settings:

const pickerOptions = {
  width: 1000,
  height: 750,
  cropping: false,
  includeBase64: false,
  includeExif: false,
  avoidEmptySpaceAroundImage: false,
  smartAlbums: ['UserLibrary'],
  compressImageMaxWidth: 500,
  compressImageMaxHeight: 500,
  compressImageQuality: 0.5,
  mediaType: 'photo',
  forceJpg: true,
  cropperChooseText: 'done'

and my dependencies

"devDependencies": {
    "@babel/preset-env": "^7.0.0-beta.51",
    "babel-jest": "22.0.6",
    "babel-plugin-transform-remove-console": "^6.9.4",
    "babel-preset-react-native-stage-0": "^1.0.1",
    "fs-extra": "^4.0.2",
    "jest": "^22.0.6",
    "metro-react-native-babel-preset": "^0.49.0",
    "react-test-renderer": "^16.6.0-alpha.8af6728",
    "replace-in-file": "^3.4.0",
    "schedule": "^0.4.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "@dicebear/avatars": "^2.0.4",
    "@dicebear/avatars-identicon-sprites": "^1.0.3",
    "@target-corp/react-native-svg-parser": "^1.0.6",
    "babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
    "deepmerge": "^2.1.1",
    "email-validator": "^2.0.4",
    "fbjs": "^0.8.17",
    "group-array": "^0.3.3",
    "immutability-helper": "^3.0.0",
    "lodash": "^4.17.11",
    "moment": "^2.22.2",
    "moment-duration-format": "^2.2.2",
    "moment-round": "^1.0.1",
    "moment-shortformat": "^2.1.0",
    "native-base": "^2.8.1",
    "prop-types": "^15.6.1",
    "react": "^16.6.0-alpha.8af6728",
    "react-native": "^0.57.4",
    "react-native-action-button": "^2.8.5",
    "react-native-animatable": "^1.3.1",
    "react-native-app-intro-slider": "^1.0.1",
    "react-native-app-link": "^1.0.0",
    "react-native-cached-image": "^1.4.3",
    "react-native-checkbox": "^2.0.0",
    "react-native-code-push": "^5.4.2",
    "react-native-collapsible-header": "0.0.11",
    "react-native-communications": "^2.2.1",
    "react-native-deck-swiper": "^1.5.17",
    "react-native-emoji": "^1.3.1",
    "react-native-fast-image": "^5.1.0",
    "react-native-fetch-blob": "^0.10.8",
    "react-native-firebase": "^4.2.0",
    "react-native-gifted-chat": "^0.4.3",
    "react-native-image-crop-picker": "^0.23.1",
    "react-native-image-gallery": "^2.1.5",
    "react-native-image-picker": "^0.28.0",
    "react-native-image-progress": "^1.1.1",
    "react-native-image-resizer": "^1.0.0",
    "react-native-image-zoom-viewer": "^2.2.5",
    "react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "^0.5.0",
    "react-native-linear-gradient": "^2.4.0",
    "react-native-material-textfield": "^0.12.0",
    "react-native-modal": "^6.5.0",
    "react-native-modal-datetime-picker": "^5.1.0",
    "react-native-modal-dropdown": "^0.6.2",
    "react-native-photo-grid": "0.0.2",
    "react-native-pose": "^0.8.1",
    "react-native-progress": "^3.5.0",
    "react-native-progressive-image": "^1.0.4",
    "react-native-sideswipe": "^1.4.2",
    "react-native-snap-carousel": "^3.7.5",
    "react-native-splash-screen": "^3.1.1",
    "react-native-star-rating": "^1.1.0",
    "react-native-svg": "^6.5.2",
    "react-native-svg-charts": "^5.2.0",
    "react-native-svg-uri": "^1.2.3",
    "react-native-tag-input": "0.0.18",
    "react-native-testfairy": "^2.11.0",
    "react-native-text": "0.0.7",
    "react-native-textinput-effects": "^0.4.2",
    "react-native-version-check": "^3.0.3",
    "react-navigation": "^2.11.2",
    "react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs": "^0.3.0",
    "react-navigation-redux-helpers": "^1.1.2",
    "react-redux": "^5.0.7",
    "react-redux-firebase": "^2.1.5",
    "recompose": "^0.30.0",
    "redux": "^3.7.2",
    "redux-firestore": "^0.5.7",
    "redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
    "redux-persist": "^5.10.0",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",
    "reselect": "^3.0.1",
    "tcomb": "^3.2.27",
    "tcomb-form-native": "^0.6.13",
    "url-parse": "^1.4.4"

Thank you!

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. You may also mark this issue as a "discussion" and I will leave this open.

stale[bot] commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue after a prolonged period of inactivity. Fell free to reopen this issue, if this still affecting you.

saadmutahar commented 5 years ago

Why this community always closed every open bug that was not discussed for a month or two? Even there is no correct answers marked in the bug. Not a single one.

You can close the bug by mentioning or relating to some other open bugs.

russelRajitha commented 4 years ago

is there any solution for this issue? in my case camera opens by ImagePicker.launchCamera and taking images such as darken view by cover camera or changing focus or switching camera to back or front. then once click on capture app getting crashed and opens splash screen. RN version 0.60 issue exist in upto android API level 20

saadmutahar commented 4 years ago

@russelRajitha there may be one possible issue that you are using code push in you app as the same behaviour I was facing. check and do some changes if your app really using code push.

russelRajitha commented 4 years ago

@saadmutahar ,i couldnt find any solution, i checked logcat and these logs on click capture button.

2019-10-02 15:27:05.300 5611-5688/? E: e = /sys/class/input_booster/touchkey/time (Permission denied)
2019-10-02 15:27:05.301 5611-5688/? E: e = /sys/class/input_booster/touchkey/time (Permission denied)
2019-10-02 15:27:05.306 5611-5688/? E: e = /sys/class/input_booster/touchkey/time (Permission denied)
2019-10-02 15:27:06.285 3619-5553/? E: [[23727]#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
2019-10-02 15:27:06.291 4040-6346/? E: win=Window{62ca5bf u0} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:518 android.os.Binder.execTransact:739 <bottom of call stack> 
2019-10-02 15:27:06.601 23727-23727/? E: onStop : java.util.NoSuchElementException
2019-10-02 15:27:06.649 3619-3676/? E: [[23727]#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
2019-10-02 15:27:06.655 4040-6346/? E: win=Window{d10b9e4 u0} destroySurfaces: appStopped=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false win.mViewVisibility=8 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:518 android.os.Binder.execTransact:739 <bottom of call stack> 
2019-10-02 15:27:07.469 4040-4447/? E: !@Sync 9325 [2019-10-02 15:27:07.469] FD count : 687
2019-10-02 15:27:13.216 3619-4189/? E: [com.myAppName/com.myAppName.MainActivity[3878]#1] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
2019-10-02 15:27:13.500 3878-3878/com.myAppName E: sendUserActionEvent() returned.

anyone have any idea? i have stuck in this for hours.

arifinoid commented 4 years ago

Same here, this issue still occurs on low device android

lucasbertolo commented 4 years ago

@russelRajitha have you found any solution? The same is happening here and I can´t figure out the reason

toro705 commented 4 years ago

@pedro Same here, library works just fine, but opening the camera, sometimes goes, and otehr times crashes the app

toro705 commented 4 years ago

is there any solution for this issue? in my case camera opens by ImagePicker.launchCamera and taking images such as darken view by cover camera or changing focus or switching camera to back or front. then once click on capture app getting crashed and opens splash screen. RN version 0.60 issue exist in upto android API level 20

Did you found any solution? Facing the same issue here, lounch camera and clic some option makes my app crash. Just taking the photo does not

HugoGresse commented 4 years ago

This is the same issue as linked in Expo SDK :

vinay93 commented 3 years ago

I am getting this issue only in Redmi devices. Does anyone have any leads on this issue?

asallem94 commented 2 years ago

This solution helps with some cases:

first make sure you have your permissions. Use this library import Permissions from 'react-native-permissions'; to use launchCamera add: Permissions.PERMISSIONS.ANDROID.CAMERA if you want to use the option to saveToPhotos include Permissions.PERMISSIONS.ANDROID.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE when developing make sure you check your apps settings to see if camera and storage are allowed by your app. if they are not make sure to disable the button so it doesn't call the launchCamera function or else it will crash.

Don't forget to include these permissions is android manifest if this still does not work for you:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Note this may be a partial solution. because saveToPhotos = true for my options doesn't work for me. I came here for help. I have to learn more about the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission