react-native-push-notification / ios

React Native Push Notification API for iOS.
MIT License
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How to track the delivery of notifications? #324

Open brijcodeclouds opened 2 years ago

brijcodeclouds commented 2 years ago

I am able to receive push notifications on iOS devices and also able to track the clicks. But we have a requirement where we need analytics for

  1. How many successful sends
  2. How many successful deliveries
  3. How many clicks

On android we are able to track all, but on iOS we are not able to track the deliveries.

the 'notification' event is triggered only if clicked on the notification, but we need some event that is called on receiving of notification without any user interaction.

I have tried all the possible tweaks and have tried all suggestions from multiple different threads, but none is working on iOS and most of them are about tracking the clicks on the notification messages, which is already working fine for me.

Is there a way we can track this? or any future plan on adding this functionality in the package?