react-native-push-notification / ios

React Native Push Notification API for iOS.
MIT License
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feat: add ability to request the device token without showing permission #397

Open gtokman opened 1 year ago

gtokman commented 1 year ago


Right now the only way to get the device token is to go through the permission prompt. This is not ideal if you want to support silent notification w/o asking for permission. This update allows you to achieve this.


If you want your app’s remote notifications to display alerts, play sounds, or perform other user-facing actions, you must request authorization to do so using the requestAuthorization(options:completionHandler:) method of UNUserNotificationCenter. If you do not request and receive authorization for your app's interactions, the system delivers all remote notifications to your app silently.

yousrasd commented 1 year ago

That's a good addition, and I require this functionality. Do you have any updates regarding this?

gtokman commented 1 year ago

@yousrasd Alternatively you can throw this in your AppDelegate:
