I started getting this error recently:
TypeError: [android.dangerous]: withAndroidDangerousBaseMod: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sync')
My solution was to remove "default" from this line in "@react-native-tvos/config-tv/build/withTVAndroidRemoveFlipper.js"
const paths = glob_1.default.sync(${androidRoot}/**/MainApplication.*);
To This:
const paths = glob_1.sync(${androidRoot}/**/MainApplication.*); //removed the default before sync
I started getting this error recently: TypeError: [android.dangerous]: withAndroidDangerousBaseMod: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sync')
My solution was to remove "default" from this line in "@react-native-tvos/config-tv/build/withTVAndroidRemoveFlipper.js"
This: const paths = glob_1.default.sync(
); To This: const paths = glob_1.sync(${androidRoot}/**/MainApplication.*
); //removed the default before syncThis cleared up the issue.