react-navigation / react-navigation

Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
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When using frosted glass stack to jump in Android mode, ReactNavigation will experience lag and frosted glass will reset #11920

Closed yuhao965472200 closed 1 week ago

yuhao965472200 commented 1 month ago

Current behavior

Expected behavior







System: OS: macOS 13.5.1 CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Pro Memory: 57.97 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: version: "5.9" path: /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: version: 18.19.1 path: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.1/bin/node Yarn: version: 1.22.21 path: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.1/bin/yarn npm: version: 10.2.4 path: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.1/bin/npm Watchman: version: 2024.01.22.00 path: /opt/homebrew/bin/watchman Managers: CocoaPods: version: 1.15.2 path: /opt/homebrew/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey @yuhao965472200! Thanks for opening the issue. It seems that the issue doesn't contain a link to a repro.

The best way to get attention to your issue is to provide an easy way for a developer to reproduce the issue.

You can provide a repro using any of the following:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Couldn't find version numbers for the following packages in the issue:

Can you update the issue to include version numbers for those packages? The version numbers must match the format 1.2.3.

migueldaipre commented 1 month ago

Please add a minimal reproducer

yuhao965472200 commented 1 month ago

Please add a minimal reproducer

How to add?

migueldaipre commented 1 month ago

Hey @yuhao965472200! Thanks for opening the issue. It seems that the issue doesn't contain a link to a repro.

The best way to get attention to your issue is to provide an easy way for a developer to reproduce the issue.

You can provide a repro using any of the following:

A snack link is preferred since it's the easiest way to both create and share a repro. If it's not possible to create a repro using a snack, link to a GitHub repo under your username is a good alternative. Don't link to a branch or specific file etc. as it won't be detected.

Try to keep the repro as small as possible by narrowing down the minimal amount of code needed to reproduce the issue. Don't link to your entire project or a project containing code unrelated to the issue. See "How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example" for more information.

You can edit your original issue to include a link to the repro, or leave it as a comment. The issue will be closed automatically after a while if you don't provide a repro.


github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hello 👋, this issue has been open for more than a month without a repro or any activity. If the issue is still present in the latest version, please provide a repro or leave a comment within 7 days to keep it open, otherwise it will be closed automatically. If you found a solution or workaround for the issue, please comment here for others to find. If this issue is critical for you, please consider sending a pull request to fix it.