react-navigation / react-navigation

Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
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Strange flicker when you scroll up a modal with NativeStack in iOS #11929

Open nicolascavallin opened 1 month ago

nicolascavallin commented 1 month ago

Current behavior

When you open a presentation: 'modal', in Native Stack on iOS, and you try to "swipe up", seems a strange black flicker at the bottom of the screen.

Expected behavior

In native iOS applications this does not occur, so it shouldn't happens.





package version
@react-navigation/native ^6.1.17
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs ^6.5.20
@react-navigation/stack ^6.3.29
@react-navigation/native-stack ^6.9.26
react-native-safe-area-context ^4.9.0
react-native-screens ^3.30.1
react-native-gesture-handler ^2.16.0
react-native-reanimated ^3.8.0
react-native 0.73.6
expo ^50.0.14
node 20
yarn 4.0.2
visibly commented 3 weeks ago

I experience the same problem. Did you find the cause or a solution?

nicolascavallin commented 3 weeks ago

@visibly nope, still waiting

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hey! Thanks for opening the issue. Seems that this issue is related to react-native-screens library which is a dependency of React Navigation. Can you also post your issue in this repo so that it's notified to the maintainers of that library? This will help us fix the issue faster since it's upto the maintainers of that library to investigate it.

nicolascavallin commented 3 weeks ago

Published in react-native-screens: