react-navigation / react-navigation

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Ripple effect shown twice after clicking one time on material top tab after new architecture enabled. #11930

Open hpurohit97 opened 1 month ago

hpurohit97 commented 1 month ago

Current behavior

When the user click on the top tab, the screen is smoothly transitioned but the ripple effect is shown multiple times.

Expected behavior

Ripple effect should only come once.


Worked on a personal project, cannot share link here.




package version
@react-navigation/native 6.1.17
@react-navigation/bottom-tabs 6.5.20
@react-navigation/material-top-tabs 6.6.13
@react-navigation/stack 6.3.29
@react-navigation/native-stack 6.9.13
react-native-safe-area-context 4.9.0
react-native-screens 3.30.1
react-native-gesture-handler 2.15.0
react-native-reanimated 3.8.0
react-native-tab-view 3.5.2
react-native-pager-view 6.2.3
react-native 0.73.6
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Couldn't find version numbers for the following packages in the issue:

Can you update the issue to include version numbers for those packages? The version numbers must match the format 1.2.3.

The versions mentioned in the issue for the following packages differ from the latest versions on npm:

Can you verify that the issue still exists after upgrading to the latest versions of these packages?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hey @hpurohit97! Thanks for opening the issue. It seems that the issue doesn't contain a link to a repro.

The best way to get attention to your issue is to provide an easy way for a developer to reproduce the issue.

You can provide a repro using any of the following:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

The versions mentioned in the issue for the following packages differ from the latest versions on npm:

Can you verify that the issue still exists after upgrading to the latest versions of these packages?

KManiKumarReddy commented 1 month ago

I'm on the latest versions and still experience this intermittently, I'll attach a expo snack soon. I'm attaching a video of what's happening Screen Recording 2024-04-19 at 7 37 04 PM1

hpurohit97 commented 3 weeks ago

@KManiKumarReddy I didn't find the reason for this yet. But to disable it we can update material-top-tabs and use tabBarAndroidRipple={radius: 0} in screen options