I am in the prosess of updating from React navigation v1 to v4. In v1 we used react-navigation-redux-helpers for connecting the state. Now I have done this much so far.
In my Navigation.js I have this
let AppNavContainer = MainStack;
export default AppNavContainer;
const initialState = AppNavContainer.router.getStateForAction(
export const navReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
const nextState = AppNavContainer.router.getStateForAction(action, state);
if (action.type === "Navigation/NAVIGATE" && action.routeName !== "PinCode") {
// Simply return the original `state` if `nextState` is null or undefined.
return nextState || state;
I am in the prosess of updating from React navigation v1 to v4. In v1 we used react-navigation-redux-helpers for connecting the state. Now I have done this much so far.
In my Navigation.js I have this
Then in my store I am doing this
Then in my App.js I am doing this
After doing all this I am getting this error
Here are my packages version
Am I missing something?