react-navigation / rfcs

RFCs for changes to React Navigation
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Add documentation for single file nested navigation structures #28

Open Laurensdc opened 6 years ago

Laurensdc commented 6 years ago

A navigation structure as described below works beautifully but isn't documented anywhere. It allows you to navigate from nested screens to other nested screens easily, without having to pass navigation props from one screen to another.

I feel like such an example should be documented, since it's been discussed in various issues:

and more...

export const AppNavigator = StackNavigator(
        Login: {
            screen: LoginScreen,
        SetPassword: {
            screen: SetPasswordScreen,

        mainFlow: {
            screen: TabNavigator(
                    overviewFlow: {
                        screen: StackNavigator(
                                Overview: {
                                    screen: OverviewScreen,
                                DietitianInfo: {
                                    screen: DietitianInfoScreen,
                                headerMode: 'none',
                    Goals: {
                        screen: GoalsScreen,
                    diaryFlow: {
                        screen: StackNavigator(
                                DiaryOverview: {
                                    screen: DiaryOverviewScreen,
                                DiaryEntry: {
                                    screen: DiaryEntryScreen,
                                headerMode: 'none',

                    Notes: {
                        screen: NotesScreen,
                    tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
                    navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
                        // ...                         
                    tabBarOptions: {
                       // ...
        headerMode: 'none',
        // onTransitionStart: (e) => {
        //     console.log('Navigating somewhere');
        //     console.log(e);
        // },
devika7 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Laurensdc, thanks so much for the above code. I am wondering if it would hold same for react-navigation 3.x.x. I used something similar like yours, and getting this error.

error: "The navigation props is missing for this navigator. in react navigation 3, you need to set up your app container directly. "

I know I need to use CreateAppContainer function somewhere to solve this. Could you please guide me? This is my TestNav file


import Portfolio from "./Portfolio";
import SignupScreen from "./SignupScreen";
import ResetPassScreen from "./ResetPassScreen";
import WelcomeScreen from "./WelcomeScreen";
import Logout from "./Logout";
import Investments from "./Investments";
import Profile from "./Profile";
import LoginScreen from "./LoginScreen";
import {createStackNavigator, createBottomTabNavigator } from 'react-navigation';

export const TestNav = createStackNavigator(
        Login: {
            screen: WelcomeScreen,
            screen: LoginScreen,
        Signup: {
            screen: SignupScreen,
            screen: Logout,
        Reset: {

        mainTabNavigator: {
            screen: createBottomTabNavigator(
                    HomeStack: {
                        screen: createStackNavigator(
                                Overview: {
                                    screen: Portfolio,

                                headerMode: 'none',
                    LinkStack: {

                        screen: createStackNavigator(
                               Investments: {
                                    screen: Investments,

                                headerMode: 'none',

                    SettingStack: {
                        screen: Profile,
                    //tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
                    navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
                        // ...                         
                    tabBarOptions: {
                       // ...
        headerMode: 'none',
        // onTransitionStart: (e) => {
        //     console.log('Navigating somewhere');
        //     console.log(e);
        // },

export default TestNav;