When doing
navigation.navigate(route, params)
The params are not reflected in the navigation.state.params
If you go to a url with parameter such as
myapp/Home?x=1 then x=1 is added to navigation.state.params
Then doing navigation.navigate('Home',{x:undefined}) will change the route to /Home
but the navigation.state doesnt change
then doing another navigation.navigate(anyroute) causes the location to change to /anyroute?x=1 (every history change the params are read from the state)
When doing navigation.navigate(route, params) The params are not reflected in the navigation.state.params
If you go to a url with parameter such as myapp/Home?x=1 then x=1 is added to navigation.state.params Then doing navigation.navigate('Home',{x:undefined}) will change the route to /Home but the navigation.state doesnt change
then doing another navigation.navigate(anyroute) causes the location to change to /anyroute?x=1 (every history change the params are read from the state)