react-theming / addon-development-kit

Addon Development Kit for Storybook
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Typescript types #5

Closed ArrayKnight closed 4 years ago

ArrayKnight commented 4 years ago

It would be really great if you could add a type definition file to this repo. I'd really like to use this but I also want to use Typescript.

Please and thank you!

ArrayKnight commented 4 years ago

I've taken an initial pass:

declare module '@storybook/addon-devkit' {
    import { ElementType, FunctionComponent, ReactNode } from 'react'
    import { types as addonTypes } from '@storybook/addons'
    import { API } from '@storybook/api'

    interface Dictionary<T = any> {
        [key: string]: T

    export interface ConfigOptions {
        addonId?: string
        panelId?: string
        panelTitle?: string
        paramKey?: string
        eventInit?: string
        eventData?: string
        eventBack?: string

    export function setConfig(config: ConfigOptions): void

    export interface ConfigValues {
        ADDON_ID: string
        PANEL_ID: string
        PANEL_Title: string
        PARAM_Key: string
        EVENT_ID_INIT: string
        EVENT_ID_DATA: string
        EVENT_ID_BACK: string

    export function getConfig(): ConfigValues

    class ChannelStore {
        // TODO determine what should be public

    export interface Selector {
        (store: ChannelStore): any

    export type Selectors = Dictionary<Selector>

    export interface Reducer {
        (current: Dictionary, payload: any): Dictionary

    export type Reducers = Dictionary<Reducer>

    export interface Action {
        (payload: any): Promise<void>

    export interface ActionCreator {
        (reducer: Reducer): Action

    export interface ActionCreators {
        global: ActionCreator
        local: ActionCreator

    export interface CreateActions {
        (creators: ActionCreators): Dictionary

    export interface RegisterOptions {
        type?: addonTypes
        initData?: Dictionary

    export function register(
        storeSelectors?: Selectors,
        createActions?: CreateActions | Reducers,
    ): (Component: ElementType, options?: RegisterOptions) => void

    export interface DecoratorOptions {
        isGlobal?: boolean

    export function createDecorator(
        storeSelectors?: Selectors,
        createActions?: CreateActions | Reducers,
        paramSelectors?: Dictionary<
            (parameters: Dictionary, selectors: Dictionary<() => any>) => any
    ): (
        Component: ElementType,
        options?: DecoratorOptions,
    ) => (
        initData: Dictionary,
    ) => (getStory: () => any, context: any) => ElementType

    export function setParameters(): (parameters: Dictionary) => Dictionary

    export interface LayoutProviderProps {
        children: ReactNode

    export const LayoutProvider: FunctionComponent<LayoutProviderProps>

    export interface Rect {
        width?: number
        height?: number
        isLandscape?: boolean

    export interface PanelProps {
        // TODO ...actions
        // TODO ...selectors
        api: API
        active: boolean
        store: Dictionary
        setData: () => void
        kind?: string
        story?: string // TODO verify type
        ADDON_ID: string
        PANEL_ID: string
        PANEL_Title: string
        rect: Rect
        Layout: Layout
        Block: Block
        isFirstDataReceived: boolean

    export interface LayoutProps {
        children: ReactNode
        className?: string

    export const Layout: FunctionComponent<LayoutProps>

    export interface BlockProps {
        children: ReactNode
        className?: string
        size?: number

    export const Block: FunctionComponent<BlockProps>

However, I have not yet used this. There are likely to be many improvements, but two major areas of focus need to be on the ChannelStore and on the createDecorator function types. I'm not sure yet what needs to be public on ChannelStore and there's likely to be errors with the existing createDecorator definition.

I'll update as I learn more.

usulpro commented 4 years ago

Hey @ArrayKnight Thank you for initiating this issue. Having type definitions would be really helpful. I will take a look around next week