reactcologne / meetups_orga

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Future React.Cologne dates, hosts and locations #6

Open jhilden opened 5 years ago

jhilden commented 5 years ago

The meetups will take place approx. every 6 weeks. The host can choose the weekday.

If you want to host a meetup

We have around 35-50 participants and need room for 2 parallel sessions, so your location should be suitable for it. Your location should also be accessible from central Cologne with public transport. Hosts usually offer free drinks and snacks. Our meetup is very community-driven, and our hosts are also part of our community. If you want to be a host, you should at least have visited our meetup one time.

Add a comment in this thread and tell us the name of your company and – if you already know – in which week you want to host the event.

Important: We require future hosts to attend at least one previous Meetup event. We do this to make sure, that they see how a React.Cologne Meetup is usually run, and to ensure that companies are invested into our community beyond just a single event.

If you're event is confirmed, then open a new issue and select "Meetup event".

Waiting List



Week of Host Link
22 August Railslove #14
23 June pro.volution/QOSSMIC #13
16 Nov
05 Oct
24 Aug
13 Jul
01 Jun Remote or Flowfact or Fond Of?
20 Apr Remote or Flowfact or Fond Of?
16 Mar @KalkSpace hosted by @Railslove Remote #12
01 Feb React Barcamp
13 Jan Public Sapient #11
18 Nov SoundReply ( #8
07 Oct WDR #9
16 Aug Neoalto @ Startplatz #7
15 Jul Ambient Innovation #5
03 Jun Flowfact #4
22 Apr Fond Of #3
11 Mar Ambient Innovation #1
26 Jan React Barcamp
jhilden commented 5 years ago

@murraybo du hattest mir mal was erzählt von Neoalto/Startplatz als möglichem Host für die React Cologne? :point_up:

gregor-mueller commented 4 years ago

I'd host another meetup at FLOWFACT. April or June

timomeh commented 4 years ago

@ffgregormueller ✅ Added to the waiting list. I will check with Fond Of which date they want to host, they're already on the waiting list.

timomeh commented 2 years ago

Added pro.volution as next host. /cc @ge-o

j-grosse commented 3 months ago

@jhilden We had two great events im March 2024 and June 2024 (and one in Mrch 2023). Maybe you want to add them to the list above, so future organisers are more motivated seeing that we were still active after 2022? And maybe you want to add the link to the website here. Thank you Jakob