reactiflux / discord-irc

Connects Discord and IRC channels by sending messages back and forth.
MIT License
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Recognize IRC color-filled parts as spoilers #568

Open StepS- opened 3 years ago

StepS- commented 3 years ago

Similar to how bold, italics and other IRC control characters are converted to their Discord counterparts upon send from IRC, the same should happen to parts of messages which are colored in the same background color as foreground color, to be converted into ||spoiler|| tags on Discord end. At the moment you have to use both syntaxes at the same time in order for the text to appear hidden to both IRC and Discord users. (especially complicates things when sending from Discord to IRC)

Example (red fill): Here is some 4,4hidden text. should be translated to: Here is some ||hidden text||.

And the other way around, using any neutral color.

(where  = ␃, U+0003)

Throne3d commented 3 years ago

Hey there! This project is currently mostly in maintenance mode, except for especially complete and ready PRs. I'll mark this issue as "new feature" and "help wanted", so that if someone's interested in taking it on, they can do so!