Example Storefront is Reaction Commerce’s headless ecommerce storefront - Next.js, GraphQL, React. Built using Apollo Client and the commerce-focused React UI components provided in the Storefront Component Library (reactioncommerce/reaction-component-library). It connects with Reaction backend with the GraphQL API.
When attempting to checkout in production, the checkout page displays a message saying that the cart is empty. This message appears in German even though the language is set to English on the store. The checkout appears to break as the graphQL query is not passing a shopId eventhough a user is signed in and is apart of the primary shop.
Steps to reproduce:
Run the product in production mode
Login to the storefront
Select a product from the storefront and click add to cart
Open the cart dropdown menu and select checkout
The empty cart message will appear along with the null shopId error in the console.
When attempting to checkout in production, the checkout page displays a message saying that the cart is empty. This message appears in German even though the language is set to English on the store. The checkout appears to break as the graphQL query is not passing a shopId eventhough a user is signed in and is apart of the primary shop.
Steps to reproduce: