reactioncommerce / kinetic

Kinetic introduces a suite of opinionated admin tools that internal teams can use to manage and run their stores on Open Commerce.
Apache License 2.0
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Location Inventory FE #197

Open brendan-shea-pm opened 1 year ago

brendan-shea-pm commented 1 year ago

Create Location

As an operator I want to create a Location and manage various attributes of that location including:

Location Name and Identifier - Includes an internal identifier option for store numbers etc

Address and Phone Number The physical address and phone number for the location

Location Type - Defines what kind of Location this is, such as Warehouse, Store, Dropship, Marketplace etc

Online Availability - Can an online customer view / order stock from here at the moment

Fulfillment Methods - Which methods are available for the Location (Shipping, Pickup, etc)

Geographic Restrictions - Restrict order fulfillment based on location, eg Local Fulfillment only

Store Hours - The hours the store is open to consumers, not applicable to Warehouse or Dropship Location Types


Manage Locations

Operators will manage information about their Locations primarily on the Location Detail Page

The detail page will contain information such as: ID, Name, Location Type, Address, Phone Number, Online Availability, Store Hours, Fulfillment Methods, Geographic Restrictions

Allows user to edit this information


Locations Listing Page

The listing page for Locations in Kinetic.

Shows key information about Locations including ID, Name, City, Inventory, Availability

Allows user browse locations based on Type: Warehouse, Store, DropShip, Marketplace etc

Manage Priority of the Locations

Actions: Add a New Location


Location Inventory

Kinetic should be able to display inventory information for a given Location. This includes:

A count of total count of inventory for all skus

A count of inventory by sku

Inventory information should be timely for future use cases involving orders

Reference Location Inventory BE

vannguyenn commented 1 year ago

Hi @brendan-shea-pm , are we only supporting warehouses and stores location types for now? I saw only two of these types on Figma

vannguyenn commented 1 year ago

Hi @brendan-shea-pm also, do we have the UI for Inventory yet?

brendan-shea-pm commented 1 year ago

Hi @vannguyenn - I don't think Inventory in Kinetic will be a priority for Milestone 1. It will be on backend, but that is in order to power the storefront. I see this Kinetic functionality as more tied to the Product area of Kinetic. @zenweasel curious to get your thoughts on this

brendan-shea-pm commented 1 year ago

Also @vannguyenn to your first question you are correct. For Milestone 1 we will focus on Stores and Warehouses