reactioncommerce / reaction-cli

A command line tool for working with Reaction Commerce.
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reaction run -> halts #39

Closed vitaliyterziev closed 6 years ago

vitaliyterziev commented 7 years ago

Followed all in your installation page. All went well but when I run reaction run or reaction the thing just staying there forever..

Windows 7

$ reaction run

Using settings file at settings/dev.settings.json

Setting up plugin imports...

Setting up style imports...

[[[[[ ~\E\Bokluci\reaction ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
jshimko commented 7 years ago

I don't see any errors there. How long did you wait? The first build takes at least several minutes depending on your machine.

vitaliyterziev commented 7 years ago

~30, 2 core cpu capable of running VS 16 w/o problem

jshimko commented 7 years ago

Can you please provide the output of reaction -v?

And have you installed all requirements for Windows?

Other than that, I don't know what else to suggest. Nobody else it reporting this issue.

vitaliyterziev commented 7 years ago

this one also took around a minute to print, anyway if no one else reported this issue I guess it can be considered as an edge case, no big deal I was just looking around for a e-comm. platform

p.s yes, I did

Node: 6.11.1 NPM: 3.10.10 Meteor Node: 4.8.4 Meteor NPM: 4.6.1 Reaction CLI: 0.11.0

zrisher commented 6 years ago

@vitaliyterziev If you have Windows Defender Real-time Protection running, you might consider disabling it and seeing if your speed increases. In this and other Node.js projects that access many files at once, I've seen it slow file access to a crawl until disabled.

Possibly relevant issue:

vitaliyterziev commented 6 years ago

Hi @zrisher, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately I already gave up on reactioncommerce, when it comes down to making money one need to choose business first solutions, code first are fun to play with but if you have the time.