reactive-ipc / reactive-ipc-jvm

Reactive IPC for the JVM
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Write Composition #22

Closed benjchristensen closed 9 years ago

benjchristensen commented 9 years ago

It is required that writes be composable, particularly when everything is async since non-blocking writes can not be ordered or waited upon without an abstraction permitting composition.

Consider the following use cases:

// 1) upon connection, send a "subscribe" request then read output sequentially (using concat)

// 2) output an interval stream of 10 items, once per second and concurrently read input (using merge)
        Stream.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                  .map(aLong -> "Interval: " + aLong + '\n')
// 3) Handshake and process response thereof.
connection.write(protocolRequest) // negotiate protocol
                    .concatMap(response -> {
                        // handshake response
                        if(response instanceof HANDSHAKE && response == ABC) {
                            // handshake ABC so output in "ABC" format for next write
                            return connection.write(ABC-formatted-request)
                        } else if(response instanceof HANDSHAKE && response == DEF) {
                            // handshake DEF so output in "DEF" format for next write
                            return connection.write(DEF-formatted-request)
                        } else {
                            // response data here
                            return doStuffAsynchronouslyWith(response);

The approach taken above involves write returning a Publisher that can be composed. If that is not the desired implementation these same composition capabilities must be accommodated by whatever is done in its place.

smaldini commented 9 years ago

Not sure in use cases 1 and 3 what is subscribing to the concatWith, if you can elaborate on how you see this. Is concatWith an eager subscribe operation ? To me it seems we leak the write everywhere where the same stream could be unified and composed in a single connection.write call where the returned publisher would inform of completed writes and let its subscribers requesting manually for more data to write.

                    .concatMap(response -> { //note that concatMap could happen after the concatWith too
                        // handshake response
                        if(response instanceof HANDSHAKE && response == ABC) {
                            // handshake ABC so output in "ABC" format for next write
                            return ABC-formatted-request()
                        } else if(response instanceof HANDSHAKE && response == DEF) {
                            // handshake DEF so output in "DEF" format for next write
                            return DEF-formatted-request()
                        } else {
                            // response data here
                            return doStuffAsynchronouslyWith(response);
).subscribe(postWritesSubscriber); //optional, would default to the IO writer to auto-request the user defined write publisher.
benjchristensen commented 9 years ago

what is subscribing to the concatWith

For brevity I didn't include the outer handler code. These would all be returning a composed Publisher lazily to the server implementation which would subscribe and run the lifecycle. Thus, the Publisher emitted by concatWith is returned to the server which subscribes to invoke the lifecycle for that connection.

Is concatWith an eager subscribe operation

No, nothing here is eager. It all composes and waits to be subscribed to by the server. This is a handler definition.

it seems we leak the write everywhere

In what way is it leaked? Just that the developer can call write multiple times?

the same stream could be unified and composed in a single connection.write cal

That is elegant code and may work well for this example.

The one concern I can think of right now is related to flushing as it would only work if it flushed on every onNext (or had a complicated flushSelector that knew how to differentiate). For example, the protocolRequest portion would immediately complete after writing the contents asynchronously, then connection.getInput() would wait for data but would never respond if protocolRequest was not flushed.

With the independent calls to write each can naturally call flush when onComplete is emitted:


A single write though would just see a single onComplete and flush once:


Thus, if they are all just emitted as onNexts on a single Publisher then how does it know to call flush after protocolRequest but then efficiently stream ABC-formatted-request without flushing every onNext? The only way I can see this working is a non-trivial flushSelector somehow interpreting the onNext data dynamically. I imagine it would have to count onNext signals or inspect data, neither of which sound good as options.

This leads back to the discussion in #21. If there is a mechanism for a developer to easily and deterministically control flushing then my stance on write would change as it would be very elegant to return just a single Publisher and let everything be composed into it.

benjchristensen commented 9 years ago

Ah, talking with @NiteshKant reminded me of a key point I completely missed in my response, and far more important than flush semantics.

The other key reason why individual write calls is so important is for error and completion handling on each write independently.

If write is just done via the output Publisher, then code can not make the choice to wait on a previous write.

Using concatWith allows waiting whereas mergeWith allows writing concurrently without waiting. These are very important to allow.

Equally important, conditional error handling can not be composed onto writes if just a single Publisher is returned.

For example, protocolRequest.concatWith(connection.getInput() specifically uses concatWith to wait until the write completes successfully, or if it fails to skip the rest.

benjchristensen commented 9 years ago

Here are simple examples showing merge and concat behavior with writes:

// this writes A and if it succeeds then writes B
// which is the same as this
concat(connection.write(publisherA), connection.write(publisherB))

// this writes A and B concurrently
// which is the same as this
merge(connection.write(publisherA), connection.write(publisherB))

// since merge is concurrent we could use a single write for it
// which is the same as this
connection.write(merge(publisherA, publisherB));
NiteshKant commented 9 years ago

I have provided an example in issue #21 comment which explains why feedback of completion/error for a write stream is important in the case of stream multiplexing on a single connection.

NiteshKant commented 9 years ago

After a few discussions in #21 I realize that the usecase in sample 3 of this issue may not be clear. So, here is an attempt to clarify it.


The sample is modeling a protocol that does the following:

  1. On establishing a connection send a request (referred to as protocolRequest)
  2. If the request was successfully sent, the peer will send a handshake message.
  3. The handshake message could be of two forms (referred to as ABC and DEF in the sample)
  4. If the handshake message is ABC then send a reply for ABC style handshake. Referred to as ABC-formatted-request() which returns a Publisher
  5. If the handshake message is DEF then send a reply for DEF style handshake. Referred to as DEF-formatted-request() which returns a Publisher
  6. After the handshake normal request-response exchange continues. For each request sent by the peer, this endpoint replies with a response which is processed asynchronously. Referred to as doStuffAsynchronouslyWith(response); (The variable response here is misleading. It should just be a request maybe)

(The two handshake flavors aren't required but provided just to demonstrate condition processing)

In order to draw an analogy to an established protocol, with this hypothetical protocol. Let me take an example of HTTP/2. In HTTP/2 case,

Code explanation

Based on the above protocol definition, I am explaining the code below:

Step 1 in the protocol is done by:


Step 2 says that if the request was successfully sent, then listen for handshake or requests. So, in order to make sure that input is subscribed only if the write was successful, we do:


The sample now, intends to make the request/handshake processing sequential i.e. next message is processed only when the previous message was successfully processed and written back to the peer. For this reason, the sample uses concatMap on the input:

                                .concatMap(response -> {

This behavior is surely just an approach we took in this sample, it is not prescribed by the protocol.

Now, the processing of each message handshake/request is asynchronous and hence returns a Publisher which is returned from this concatMap on the input. The sample at this point is just demonstrating how to process different messages asynchronously.

connection.write(protocolRequest) // negotiate protocol
                    .concatMap(response -> {
                        // handshake response
                        if(response instanceof HANDSHAKE && response == ABC) {
                            // handshake ABC so output in "ABC" format for next write
                            return connection.write(ABC-formatted-request)
                        } else if(response instanceof HANDSHAKE && response == DEF) {
                            // handshake DEF so output in "DEF" format for next write
                            return connection.write(DEF-formatted-request)
                        } else {
                            // response data here
                            return doStuffAsynchronouslyWith(response);


There are a few assumptions here:

  1. The peer does not send requests till the time handshake in received. This is an out-of-band protocol assumption. Not important though for this sample.
  2. This is the server handler code and assumes that the handler returns a Publisher<Void> which reactive-ipc implementation subscribes to, that triggers this whole processing (discussed in issue #26)

Need of composition

In the above example there are two points where the write composition is used:

  1. Write result of protocolRequest. Using concatWith we are making sure that input is not subscribed if the write failed.
  2. in concatMap() of input where the asynchronous processing result of a message results in a write. The write and hence the processing is delayed (as concatMap does not eagerly subscribes to the mapped Publisher) till the time the previous processing is completed (written on the connection).


By providing the ability to compose writes, we can achieve following variances:

connection.write(protocolRequest) // negotiate protocol

instead of

connection.write(protocolRequest) // negotiate protocol
                    .flatMap(response -> {

instead of

                    .concatMap(response -> {
NiteshKant commented 9 years ago

Closing this as we all seem to agree on the need of write composition.