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Running ReactPy in a backhaul thread #163

Closed Archmonger closed 1 year ago

Archmonger commented 1 year ago


This PR exists to test out what performance gains can be accomplished when running ReactPy in a backhaul thread.

Technical Background

Our existing rendering process does not have the capability to render components while the webserver is doing other things. Below is an oversimplified graphic demonstrating the order of operations we typically go through.

ReactPy Architecture

With the implementation above, ReactPy can queue up numerous render and send events that can flood the main Python thread. This issue is compounded by the fact that our component functions are synchronous, which breaks the operational flow of event queues. This PR moves rendering tasks outside of the main Python thread, allowing for the webserver to render ReactPy components in parallel to anything else. Below is an oversimplified graphic demonstrating this parallelism.

ReactPy Architecture (1)

The graphic above covers the high level concept, however, some additional complexity that isn't depicted. The biggest missed is the preemptive multitasking between the ASGI loop and the backhaul loop. This allows the Python to properly utilize CPU downtime during send events to process other things that hit the webserver.

The level of performance gained from this will depend on the the loop implementation. For example, uvloop can gain great efficiency from this.

Test Configuration


TLDR: On Linux, threading makes everything faster. On Windows, everything is faster except for renders per second under load.

Time To Load

These tests check how long it takes 250 components to be rendered on the page. One test case needed to be limited to 50 components due to browser limitations.

Simple: These are effectively "Hello World" components with no logic. They only contain body text. Counter: These components simulate how quickly new components would load when the main ASGI event loop is busy re-rendering other components. Time to load does not include the initial HTTP render. Net IO: These components render approximately 10MB worth of VDOM data only once. Mixed: These components continuously re-render approximately 1MB worth of VDOM data. Limited to 50 components and 1MB payload size to prevent the browser tab memory limit. All scenarios below suffered from WS connection time out instability during long runs, likely because 1MB single-packet payloads is unrealistically large.

Test Name TTL 250 Simple TTL 250 Net IO TTL 50 Mixed TTL 250 Counter TTL 250 Counter Linux
uvicorn 5,077 ms 16,189 ms 43,689 ms 48,397 ms 29,136 ms
daphne 5,221 ms 9,427 ms 16,936 ms 39,635 ms 37,446 ms
hypercorn 5,088 ms 16,948 ms 56,366 ms 57,417 ms 34,531 ms
uvicorn + backhaul 5,065 ms 11,477 ms 5,115 ms 5,256 ms 6,580 ms
daphne + backhaul 5,278 ms 8,621 ms 30,339 ms 33,897 ms N/A
hypercorn + backhaul 5,083 ms 11,546 ms 5,144 ms 5,235 ms 6,818 ms

Renders Per Second

_These tests use components that continuously re-render themselves by incrementing a number via use_effect. Tests were re-run with various quantities of components._

Test Name RPS 1 RPS 100 RPS 500 RPS 1 Linux RPS 500 Linux
uvicorn 6601 5943 5036 9399 8314
daphne 5373 6214 5676 6499 6425
hypercorn 6573 6673 6142 8833 7797
uvicorn + backhaul 7866 4222 4098 12202 8768
daphne + backhaul 8075 4786 4701 N/A N/A
hypercorn + backhaul 7045 6340 6129 11633 8449

Event Triggered Renders

These tests check the timing of click eventnew thing displayed while the webserver is exposed to various different conditions.

RPS 250: Event triggered renders per second. This is the latency a user should feel if clicking on the page while the webserver is busy with a heavy rendering workload. RPS 250 Avg RT: Average round trip timing which demonstrates event latency during heavy workloads. A "Round Trip" involves the following: client click eventserver WS receiveserver event handlerserver set stateserver layout renderserver data transmit to clientclient layout shift. Event Avg RT: Average event timing it takes for simple components to perform a round-trip render during light workloads. Render is triggered by a client click event. This shows our minimum event latency.

Test Name RPS 250 RPS 250 Avg RT Event Avg RT
uvicorn 1501 167 ms 52 ms
daphne 1494 167 ms 52 ms
hypercorn 1502 166 ms 52 ms
uvicorn + backhaul 2132 117 ms 53 ms
daphne + backhaul 1502 166 ms 55 ms
hypercorn + backhaul 2090 122 ms 52 ms

Uvicorn Weird Behaviors

Exception in callback _ProactorBaseWritePipeTransport._loop_writing(<_OverlappedF...hed result=23>)
handle: <Handle _ProactorBaseWritePipeTransport._loop_writing(<_OverlappedF...hed result=23>)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Markg\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 80, in _run, *self._args)
  File "C:\Users\Markg\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 377, in _loop_writing
    assert f is self._write_fut

Daphne Weird Behaviors

Archmonger commented 1 year ago

@rmorshea Is there any way to allow me to modify required tests for this repo?

I just bumped Python versions to 3.9+ as a result of core's requirements and a general need for py3.9+ asyncio.

Archmonger commented 1 year ago

@rmorshea Do you want to review or should I merge?

Archmonger commented 1 year ago

I am going to merge. If you provide a post-merge review I will PR any needed review contents.