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`use_effect`'s unmount method is not always called with dynamically rendered children #1198

Open Archmonger opened 9 months ago

Archmonger commented 9 months ago

Current Situation

This issue was first discovered while trying to develop

I created a component that simulates a list of conditionally rendered children. Each child in the list contains a unique key. However, the use_effect unmount method does not always appear to be called when the component is dismounted.

Here is a minimum viable example:

from uuid import uuid4

from reactpy import component, hooks, html, run

def child():
    ownership_uuid = hooks.use_memo(lambda: uuid4().hex)

    async def unmount_manager():
        print("registering new unmount func")
        def unmount():
            # FIXME: This is not working as expected. Dismount is not always called.
            print("unmount func called")
        return unmount

    return ownership_uuid

def root():
    components = hooks.use_ref([child(key=uuid4().hex)])
    reload_trigger, set_reload_trigger = hooks.use_state(True)

    async def add_front_child(event):
        components.current.insert(0, child(key=uuid4().hex))
        set_reload_trigger(not reload_trigger)

    async def add_end_child(event):
        set_reload_trigger(not reload_trigger)

    async def remove_front_child(event):
        if components.current:
            set_reload_trigger(not reload_trigger)

    async def remove_end_child(event):
        if components.current:
            set_reload_trigger(not reload_trigger)

    return html.div(
            html.button({"on_click": add_front_child}, "Add End"),
            html.button({"on_click": add_end_child}, "Add Front"),
            html.button({"on_click": remove_front_child}, "Remove End"),
            html.button({"on_click": remove_end_child}, "Remove Front"),
        html.div(f"Components: {components.current}"),


You can demo this by adding a bunch of children, then removing them. If you look at terminal, you'll notice that unmount was only called once despite multiple children being unloaded.

Proposed Actions

No response

JamesHutchison commented 2 weeks ago

This might be related to a bug I've seen where nested children are marked as "rendered" and then if there's subsequent updates to their state they get skipped. Changing the rendering order can expose or hide the bug.

If I had to guess, an example of this: Button alters state on child and triggers callback on parent Parent alters parameter passed to child based on callback Child doesn't render with new parameter because it was already rendered.

This can create a case where subsequent triggers to the child fail because the component is unmounted

I'm writing this off the top of my head, I don't have a reproducible state off hand.