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Use snake_case for components #779

Open Archmonger opened 1 year ago

Archmonger commented 1 year ago

Current Situation

We currently promote using PascalCase for components, following ReactJS convention. However, this very much goes against PEP8.

See original discussion:

Proposed Actions

Rewrite the docs to promote snake_case usage.

rmorshea commented 1 year ago

We'll need to complete in order to resolve this.

JamesHutchison commented 7 months ago

I actually prefer PascalCase because even though the implementation is a decorated function, you're using it like its a class.

Archmonger commented 7 months ago

But this makes a lot of linters and IDEs not happy. We shouldn't have to make people modify their linting config to use ReactPy without getting warnings.

JamesHutchison commented 7 months ago

Alright, I did some research then consulted with GPT-4 and it's voting snake_case. Here's that discussion:

I don't feel strongly about this. It's worth calling out that GPT-4 suggested that pascal vs snake case was a differentiator in tsx / jsx files but I don't see any clear technical reason. I think based on what I know now, the question is whether pyx files may exist in the future and if we want to see this:

<MyComponent foo="1" />

or this:

<my_component foo="1" />

Aesthetically, PascalCase feels better IMO.

GPT-4 seems to insist the naming convention is important in React. Again, I'm not sure there's any real technical reason for a theoretical pyx to strictly use one over the other. We're not sure pyx should even exist.

If you use lowercase for a component name, React will interpret it as a DOM tag. For example, if you have a component named myComponent (with a lowercase 'm') and try to use it in JSX like , React will look for an HTML tag named myComponent, which does not exist, and you will likely get an error or unexpected behavior.

Here's what would happen:

React will treat as a regular HTML tag because it's lowercase. Since there's no standard HTML tag called myComponent, React will not render anything to the DOM for this tag, or it may throw an error in the console indicating that the tag is not recognized. The correct way is always to capitalize custom component names, like MyComponent, to ensure that React treats them as components rather than HTML tags.

One final side effect to consider is whether strictly following pep8 and existing linters would drive people to use class based components which are more verbose.