reactive-tech / kubegres

Kubegres is a Kubernetes operator allowing to deploy one or many clusters of PostgreSql instances and manage databases replication, failover and backup.
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Kubegres replication can leave primary stuck in read-only mode #187

Open hach-que opened 2 weeks ago

hach-que commented 2 weeks ago

Kubegres needs to run the following command to fix up primaries after they've been promoted at the Kubernetes level:

kubectl -n $NAMESPACE exec -it $(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pod -l replicationRole=primary,app=$KUBEGRES_NAME -o=name) -- /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get secret $KUBEGRES_SECRET_NAME --template '{{.data.superUserPassword}}' | base64 --decode) /bin/psql -U postgres -c 'SELECT pg_promote();'"