reactivemarbles / DynamicData

Reactive collections based on Rx.Net
MIT License
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Incompatible with Reactive v3.0.0.0 #52

Closed robsonj closed 7 years ago

robsonj commented 7 years ago

Not really a bug. But unfortunately Reactive v3.0.0 changed their publickey which means dynamicdata cannot be used with reactive v3.0.0 even with an assembly version redirect in place.

From Reactive v3.0.0 release notes... "The strong name key has been changed. The old key was a Microsoft key that could not be fully checked-in. The new key is checked in, allowing anyone to create custom builds easily. The package names have all changed"

Will need to update the reactive dependant reference to v3 before dynamicdata can be used with it.

RolandPheasant commented 7 years ago

@robsonj thanks for tackling this, However, I was aware of this issue and started a new branch here UpgradeToRx3.0 where I aimed to

  1. Upgrade to latest rx v3.0
  2. Change library to use DotNetStandard
  3. Investigate whether it would be straight forward to change to using dotNetCore.

The result of this would form Dynamic Data v5. The reason for making this version 5 was that I could maintain version 4 (with rx 2.2.5) and version 5 (with rx 3.0.0) side by side. My reason for doing it this way is I know many consumers out there are not in a position to use rx 3.0.0. There would then be a period were all changes would be merged to both branches and published. Hopefully that gives the best of both worlds.

I started the work recently but got bogged down for a couple reasons.

  1. I changed the target to dotNet Standard, and appveyor would no longer build because I need to stipulate that it should use a later version of Nuget (should be easy to fix but have not done so yet)
  2. Before solving 1) I compiled and manually built the nuget package from the .nuspec file but had problems when I tried to install it in test projects.

All this was before I went on holidays (I am still away enjoying the French Alps!) so I have so far been unable to solve these problems, If however you are willing to grab the branch, investigate and correct me where I have gone wrong I will regard you as a hero.

RolandPheasant commented 7 years ago

Or perhaps I am overly complicating this and version v5 phase 1 should initially be upgrade to v3.0.0 then phase 2 should be to upgrade to dotNet Standard. What do you think?

robsonj commented 7 years ago

I'm be happy with the second approach as we aren't using dotNet Standard :-)

RolandPheasant commented 7 years ago

When I get back from holidays I will start a new branch and go for approach 2. I will still have to maintain 2 branches. I will give you a shout when it is done so you can test it.

RolandPheasant commented 7 years ago

@robsonj I have accepted the PR and got the build working.

To use Reactive v3.0.0 you must install DynamicData v5.0.0.2007-beta. Please let me know how you get on

robsonj commented 7 years ago

Sorry Roland, was away on vacation.

Thanks for the merge. Unfortunately I cant integrate beta's, will move to v5 as soon as a stable version is available though

robsonj commented 7 years ago

Hi Roland. I was wondering how close you are to creating a release version of Dynamic Data v5 please?

RolandPheasant commented 7 years ago

I have been holding back as I have been thinking about making some breaking changes. However I have decided not to so I will deploy the release version in the next few days.

robsonj commented 7 years ago

Any further update on the new release please Roland?

RolandPheasant commented 7 years ago

Hi, I just deployed to v5 stable, See DynamicData v 5.0.4