reactivemarbles / ObservableEvents

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Proposal: Provide a way to use different namespaces for generated Rx* classes #215

Open kmgallahan opened 4 months ago

kmgallahan commented 4 months ago


I'm building WinUI 3 projects using Visual Studio Version 17.10.0 Preview 1.0.

Currently, given these circumstances:

Then all XAML references to anything found in the library will have the following error appear in Visual Studio while the files containing them are open:

XLS0414 The type 'someX.Y.Zcontrol' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built.

This means that any time an Rx* class is generated with an X.Y.Z namespace in the app project a large number of errors show up in Visual Studio.

The app project will still build and run fine, the errors are just distracting and clog up the Error List window.


Provide a mechanism to use different namespaces for generated Rx* classes than the those for which the type was declared in.


I don't know if the appearance of the errors is intentional. I imagine getting the issue resolved on the Microsoft side would take a monumental effort, compared to tweaking this generator slightly.