reactiverse / es4x

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Cannot debug by using get-started/debug.html#debug #567

Open omg1492 opened 2 years ago

omg1492 commented 2 years ago

I'd like to start with ES4X, so I tried to debug Hello World example following steps on It looks like doc is outdated and does not help user to start debugging.

My environment:

C:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>es4x versions
VM:        OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM - 11.0.13
VM Vendor: GraalVM CE 21.3.0
Vert.x:    4.2.2
ES4X:      0.16.2
graaljs:   21.3.0

Scaffolding Hello World app:

c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>npm install -g @es4x/create@0.16.2

changed 1 package, and audited 3 packages in 3s

found 0 vulnerabilities

c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>npm init @es4x project
Missing bin\es4x-launcher.jar
npm ERR! code 3
npm ERR! path c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c es4x "project"

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2022-01-02T20_57_32_201Z-debug.log

c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>npm install

> es4x-hellow@1.0.0 postinstall
> es4x install

added 3 packages, and audited 4 packages in 7s

found 0 vulnerabilities

c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>npm start

> es4x-hellow@1.0.0 start
> es4x

Server started on port 3000
Succeeded in deploying verticle

Test from another cmd window:

C:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>curl .:3000 
Hello ES4X!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Chrome Inspector
    • There is no info in terminal how to open Chrome inspector debugger agent as mentioned in chrome-inspector.
      c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>npm start -- -Dinspect

es4x-hellow@1.0.0 start es4x "-Dinspect"

Server started on port 3000 Succeeded in deploying verticle

2. Debug from VSCode
    - Generate launch configuration for vscode
    - Breakpoints in `index.js` are **unbound**, while it is possible to step through `es4x-cli.js`:

c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>es4x vscode
c:\workspace\sandbox\es4x-hellow>type .vscode\launch.json
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [{
    "name": "Launch es4x-hellow",
    "type": "node",
    "request": "launch",
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "runtimeExecutable": "npm",
    "runtimeArgs": [
    "port": 9229,
    "outputCapture": "std",
    "serverReadyAction": {
      "pattern": "started on port ([0-9]+)",
      "uriFormat": "http://localhost:%s",
      "action": "openExternally"

Might relate to #432

pmlopes commented 2 years ago

@omg1492 thanks for the thorough report. I'm rebuilding a Windows 11 VM to test this scenario. I'll be honest, most of the development and testing is happening on Linux, so I have slacked a bit there.

Likewise, I'll keep you posted as I'll go over the issue.

pmlopes commented 2 years ago

@omg1492 it seems that there's a behavior change in graal debugger. The inspect will always require a port, plus breaking at start now seems to be true by default which makes the properties used by es4x to misbehave.

I'll tag this issue as a bug and continue debugging. We will need to update the docs to be explicit.

pmlopes commented 2 years ago

The latest release 0.16.3 fixed the start of the debugger however there's a regression on Graal that doesn't show any sources so breakpoints don't work at the moment. I'm fixing this and reporting upstream

pmlopes commented 2 years ago

For reasons, the supported way to debug is using chrome-debugger. This means that the docs should be updated to avoid the old ways.

omg1492 commented 2 years ago

I understood that:

Debugger listening on ws:// For help, see: E.g. in Chrome open: devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?ws= Debugger listening on ws:// For help, see: E.g. in Chrome open: devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?ws= Server started on port 3000 Succeeded in deploying verticle

- _Debug from VSCode_ is obsolete, old way, and will be removed from doc.

pmlopes commented 2 years ago

I've been looking at this. It seems that the builtin debugger doesn't fully work anymore with the vscode default debugger.

I've updated the docs. There are 2 way of debugging:

  1. Use chrome debugger directly (you can see the instructions on the terminal when the application starts)
  2. You can still use vscode, but you must install the graalvm extension for vscode and it adds a new debugger config "graalvm" which works.

I've updated the vscode command to generate this config now. Here's the config:

  "version" : "0.2.0",
  "configurations" : [ {
    "name" : "Launch empty-project",
    "type" : "graalvm",
    "request" : "attach",
    "port" : 9229
  } ]