reactiveui / refit

The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET. Heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, Refit turns your REST API into a live interface.
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Structured Refit HttpClient #1142

Open legiosys opened 3 years ago

legiosys commented 3 years ago


First, thanks for your work, it's realy powerfull project!

Our problem: We have for example three controllers: QueryController, ChangeController and UtilityController. We create Refit interfaces: IQueryController,.. and implement by controllers. Now, if we don't want to be wrong what method we should use, we name methods like Query_GetSmth. We create "super" interface ISomeService : IQueryController, ChangeController, UtilityController and use it for RestService.

It wil be good to create refit client from interface like this:

public interface ISomeService
        IQueryController Query { get; }

public interface IQueryController
        Task<Smth> GetSmth(int id);

And then we can call method like:

var client = RestService.For<ISomeService>("http://localhost:5000");
var result = client.Query.GetSmth(id);

May be need add attribute like [RestService] that have AttributeTargets.Interface and then we can catch this interfaces in Source Generator:

public interface ISomeService
        IQueryController Query { get; }
class SyntaxReceiver : ISyntaxReceiver
            public List<MethodDeclarationSyntax> CandidateMethods { get; } = new();

            public List<InterfaceDeclarationSyntax> CandidateInterfaces { get; } = new();

            public List<InterfaceDeclarationSyntax> CandidateServiceInterfaces { get; } = new();

            public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(SyntaxNode syntaxNode)
                if(syntaxNode is InterfaceDeclarationSyntax iface && iface.AttributeLists.Count > 0)

And after generate SomeService : ISomeService with properties like IQueryController Query = GeneratedQueryControllerClient.


aeb-dev commented 3 years ago

How about this:

public interface ISomeClient : ISome
public interface ISome
      Task Some();

And you just use ISomeClient and you will have access to all of the functions.

legiosys commented 3 years ago

And you just use ISomeClient and you will have access to all of the functions.

In this case:

public interface ISomeEntities
      Task GetById(int id);
public interface IAnotherEntities
      Task GetById(int id);
public interface ISomeClient : ISomeEntities, IAnotherEntities

What result will be when we call ISomeClient.GetById?

Now we solve this with Reflection: We generate SomeClientService from interface and set for IRefitInterface properties refit generated implementations RestService.For<IRefitInterface>