reactiveui / refit

The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET. Heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, Refit turns your REST API into a live interface.
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feature: Have the possibility to setup Polly Context #801

Open andrekiba opened 4 years ago

andrekiba commented 4 years ago

Hello and thanks in advance! What about the case in which Polly and Refit are used with HttpClientFactory? For example: is there a way to setup the Polly Context before each call with Refit? I didn't find a way to manage this.
In Controllers for example you inject the refit-generated interface (and it is amazing) but at this point you can't setup the Context because you can't access the underlying http request. Polly provides the request.SetPolicyExecutionContext(context); but we can't use it.

james-s-tayler commented 3 years ago

I think once is merged you could actually do this!

Looking at the source code for request.SetPolicyExecutionContext(context) behind the scenes on the HttpRequestMessage it's simply populating request.Properties["PolicyExecutionContext"] = pollyContext, so all you would need to do is add [Property("PolicyExecutionContext")] Polly.Context pollyContext to your method signature and then pass it new Polly.Context()

turacma commented 2 years ago

It seems like this suggestion has made it into the docs as a recommended way to pass the Polly Context, but has this been confirm to actually work? I've been trying to set this up to pass an ILogger to my policies but haven't been able to get it to actually work.,

Even though I've added the property to my method signature:

Task<UserSubscriptions> GetUserSubscriptions(string userId, [Property("PollyExecutionContext")] Polly.Context context);

And create a new context when executing the method:

private Polly.Context GetPollyContext() {
        return new Context($"GetSomeData-{Guid.NewGuid()}", new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "polly-logger", logger }

restClient.GetUserSubscriptions(userId.UserIdString, GetPollyContext());

When I debug the policy the context that I see when the action is executed is an new empty context and not the one I created with the attached logger.

james-s-tayler commented 2 years ago

After some digging it turns out you've found a bug in the docs. I'll submit a PR for it later on. The correct key is "PolicyExecutionContext". Polly and Policy are so similar I must have just misread or mistyped it when adding it to the docs. It does work though. I replicated it in a unit test and also included advice on how to better accomplish the same thing through the use of a DelegatingHandler without passing it through the [Property] attribute if you don't need it to be initialized with dynamic content.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Polly;
using Refit;
using Xunit;

namespace Refit.Bug.Repro.Tests
    public class RefitPollyTests    
        public interface IHttpStatus
            //property key "PollyExecutionContext" stated in the docs is wrong - this is a bug in the docs :(
            Task<ApiResponse<string>> GetStatusCodeWithPollyExecutionContextProperty([Query] int statusCode, [Property("PollyExecutionContext")] Context pollyContext);

            //the correct property key is "PolicyExecutionContext"
            Task<ApiResponse<string>> GetStatusCodeWithPolicyExecutionContextProperty([Query] int statusCode, [Property("PolicyExecutionContext")] Context pollyContext);

            //this one leverages a DelegatingHandler to populate the Polly.Context instead,
            //which is a better and much cleaner option if the content of the Polly.Context doesn't _require_ dynamic content only known at runtime
            Task<ApiResponse<string>> GetStatusCodeWithPollyContextInjected([Query] int statusCode);

        private const string Logger = nameof(Logger);

        public async Task    GivenPropertyNameOfPollyExecutionContext_WhenRetryPolicyInvoked_ThenThrowsKeyNotFoundException()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();

            services.AddSingleton<ILogger, TestLogger>();
                .ConfigureHttpClient(client =>
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(builder => builder.RetryAsync((result, retryCount, context) =>
                    var logger = context[Logger] as ILogger;
            var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            var logger = serviceProvider.GetService<ILogger>();
            var refitClient = serviceProvider.GetService<IHttpStatus>();

            var pollyContext = new Context();
            pollyContext.Add(Logger, logger);

            Func<Task> refitClientInvocation = refitClient.Awaiting(
                client => client.GetStatusCodeWithPollyExecutionContextProperty(StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable, pollyContext));

            await refitClientInvocation.Should()
                .WithMessage("The given key 'Logger' was not present in the dictionary.");

        public async Task GivenPropertyNameOfPolicyExecutionContext_WhenRetryPolicyInvoked_ThenLogsRetryCount()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();

            services.AddSingleton<ILogger, TestLogger>();
                .ConfigureHttpClient(client =>
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(builder => builder.RetryAsync((result, retryCount, context) =>
                    var logger = context[Logger] as ILogger;
            var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            var logger = serviceProvider.GetService<ILogger>();
            var refitClient = serviceProvider.GetService<IHttpStatus>();

            var pollyContext = new Context();
            pollyContext.Add(Logger, logger);

            var result = await refitClient.GetStatusCodeWithPolicyExecutionContextProperty(StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable, pollyContext);

            var testLogger = logger as TestLogger;

        public async Task    GivenPollyContextInjectedByDelegatingHandler_WhenRetryPolicyInvoked_ThenLogsRetryCount()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();

            services.AddSingleton<ILogger, TestLogger>();
                .ConfigureHttpClient(client =>
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                //order matters here
                .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(builder => builder.RetryAsync((result, retryCount, context) =>
                    var logger = context[Logger] as ILogger;
            var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            var logger = serviceProvider.GetService<ILogger>();
            var refitClient = serviceProvider.GetService<IHttpStatus>();

            var result = await refitClient.GetStatusCodeWithPollyContextInjected(StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable);

            var testLogger = logger as TestLogger;

        public class PollyContextInjectingDelegatingHandler : DelegatingHandler
            //realistically you would probably use a logger factory or ILogger<T> here
            //but just showing you how it can be accomplished through DI and a DelegatingHandler more cleanly
            private readonly ILogger _logger;

            public PollyContextInjectingDelegatingHandler(ILogger logger)
                _logger = logger;

            protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
                HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var pollyContext = new Context();
                pollyContext.Add(Logger, _logger);

                return await base.SendAsync(request,    cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public class TestLogger : ILogger
            public List<string> Logs { get; } = new ();

            public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state,    Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter)
                Logs.Add(formatter.Invoke(state, exception));

            public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel)
                return true;

            public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state)
                return default;
turacma commented 2 years ago

@james-s-tayler fantastic! Thank you so much fixing the doc bug and pointing out the delegate injection, which I agree is much better for my use case.

james-s-tayler commented 2 years ago

@clairernovotny once is merged we can close this issue as it's fully supported now and the docs are clear on when/how to use it.

Thanks @turacma for raising this.