reactiveui / rfcs

RFCs for changes to ReactiveUI
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RFC: [Core Team] Standardise English dialect #11

Open RLittlesII opened 5 years ago

RLittlesII commented 5 years ago

Standardize English dialect usage for ReactiveUI


While working on the ReactiveUI Website, an issue was pointed out about the spelling of a word This started a conversation that I am sure has happened in the developer community for years. What are is the correct spellings of words across the English Dialects.


When dealing with a globally distributed project, and english is not everyones first language, this becomes a challenge. For native English speakers it is challenge enough to spell certain words correctly. Add dialect into the mix and English becomes more confusing, as english is a vary colourful language. I believe that standardizing our publicly facing content will go a long way in helping consumption of documentation and communications.


I would like the @reactiveui/core-team and @reactiveui/learning-team to come together and select an english dialect for spellings moving forward to reduce friction and consumption for non native english speakers.

Side Note

Notice in this communication I explicitly used the same word spelled different ways to point out the confusion.

glennawatson commented 5 years ago

Most large projects this scale we usually just set on American English. For tech projects it seems to be the standard.

olevett commented 5 years ago

As a British English speaker, I'm pro the use of 'u's in words, but think that American English is probably the most sensible default...

ghuntley commented 5 years ago

We have a content style-guide over at 👍 It's based off the work that mailchimp open-sourced All content should be shaped based off the contents of the styleguide. The styleguide is the source of truth for color vs colour and how content is authored. If you think a section should be changed or burned in the style guide then send in the PR.

Okay so my personal rule of thumb I typically use is Colour in documentation and Color in the API.

Content Style Guide
ReactiveUI is a composable, cross-platform model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming which is a paradigm that allows you to express the idea around a feature in one readable place, abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces and improve improve the testability of your application.
glennawatson commented 5 years ago

Yeah we should probably override that style guide with whatever we decide from this RFC. At the moment it's just "simple english"