reactiveui / rfcs

RFCs for changes to ReactiveUI
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RFC: What's the plan with the monies? #12

Closed ghuntley closed 5 years ago

ghuntley commented 5 years ago

ReactiveUI potentially will raise close to $10,000USD this year through the generosity of our backers and corporate sponsors. This is amazing. Thank-you

@glennawatson raised the question in Slack as to "what's thje plan with the money". My thoughts have been recorded over at within the first 10 minutes where "pateron vs open-collective" are detailed.

Our opencollective page includes a high-level overview on how I originally envisioned how the money would be used but we haven't progressed into implementation plans. It's time.

The TL;DR is: Money should be used to improve developer accessibility of ReactiveUI - some ideas:

Let's keep discussions away from "if we pay maintainers/developers" at this stage because it's too premature. It's time to start delivering on promises to our financial supporters.

/cc @reactiveui/learning-team @reactiveui/core-team @reactiveui/community

worldbeater commented 5 years ago

+1 for improving the design. It'd be great if ReactiveUI landing page could look like this one But we should be careful and decline bad designs. Also investing money into promo videos and public talks might be a good option. We should let more people know that there is a Better Way.

glennawatson commented 5 years ago is another example of a better page.

I would definitely want to keep the wyam for the actual editing to make it easier to get content changes via PR.

Simple Injector
Simple Injector
worldbeater commented 5 years ago

Yet another example of a cool landing page

The Scala Programming Language
glennawatson commented 5 years ago

Closing this as -- further requests are a new RFC.

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