reactiveui / rfcs

RFCs for changes to ReactiveUI
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RFC: [Xamarin Forms] When should we adopt Xamarin Forms v3.0.0 as minver? #7

Closed ghuntley closed 5 years ago

ghuntley commented 6 years ago

We have never really had any documented strategy as to when the version of Xamarin.Forms used by ReactiveUI should be bumped. Folks of @reactiveui/xamarin-forms-team can you please come together and work out: is ready to merge - the question is when?

nhwilly commented 6 years ago

I don't have any existing projects, so now would be okay. :)

vatsalyagoel commented 6 years ago

We don't want to be releasing a new version everytime Xamarin updates forms Maj.min.ver.[build] for eg to however we do want to update when the min/ver changes. Major version changes should be discussed based on adoption via RFCs like this one. This may cause issues with EventBuilder which is using the latest version. Do we also make a decision to pin the nuget package in EventBuilder

An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable st...
vatsalyagoel commented 6 years ago

Xamarin is about to release forms 3.1. I think this is the right time to update to 3.0 as minver. Then we can be on track with updating to 3.1 when the time comes. Looking at Nuget it also looks like 3.0 has gained adoption with > 120,000 people downloading Forms 3.0. 2.5 still has higher adoption but we have had a few releases of 8.0 which still supports 2.5

RLittlesII commented 5 years ago

I think now is a good time.

As for Policy I would argue we shouldn't move the minver we target until a release candidate is cut for the next version of Xamarin. This will allow them to work out any bugs, and for some level of stability so we aren't bumping versions every time they fix a bug.

glennawatson commented 5 years ago

The minver was changed in