reactiveui / website

ReactiveUI documentation and guidelines website. PR's welcome! 💖
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Recognize companies that use ReactiveUI #282

Open worldbeater opened 5 years ago

worldbeater commented 5 years ago

According to large companies including GitHub, Atlassian, Amazon, Elastic and Slack use ReactiveUI in their products. Worth placing logos of these companies to ReactiveUI website main page so new users see ReactiveUI is trusted by large IT companies. As discussed in Slack, we need to ask for permissions before doing that, to avoid copyright issues. Here is a list of companies to email and ask for permissions:

glennawatson commented 5 years ago

@shiftkey Paul Betts recommended reaching out to you about this one.

shiftkey commented 5 years ago

@glennawatson shoot me an email (my handle @ this website) and I'll figure out who to connect you with