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Translating the Comunity Section #200

Closed carburo closed 2 years ago

carburo commented 5 years ago

As a first step, we could do straight translations. Additionally, as @tesseralis has pointed out it would be cool if we could also add resources in Spanish. I also opened a conversation on Spectrum for discussing which of those resources would be a good fit.

Community Resources

RamirezAlex commented 5 years ago

I would like to help with Support

jpvg10 commented 5 years ago

I would like to help with Courses

alejandronanez commented 5 years ago

@RamirezAlex, @jvelezpo, @jpvg10 - You got them. Thanks! 🎉

RamirezAlex commented 5 years ago

Please review #207 🎉 Support

I would like to continue with Podcasts

RamirezAlex commented 5 years ago

Please review #209 Podcasts

I'd like to continue with Meetups

RamirezAlex commented 5 years ago

Please review #210 Meetups

I'd like to continue with Testing

jpvg10 commented 5 years ago

211 Courses ready for review

RamirezAlex commented 5 years ago

Please review #212 Testing

I'd like to continue with Conferences

hextiandro commented 5 years ago

I would like to help with Routing

carburo commented 5 years ago

Welcome @hextiandro! You got it.

mact200590 commented 5 years ago

I would like to continue with Debugging

carburo commented 5 years ago

Ok, @mact200590, you got it. 🚀

OmaritoAtPoly commented 5 years ago

i'd like to colaborate with data fetching

OmaritoAtPoly commented 5 years ago

i wish to continue collaborating with UI Components

carburo commented 5 years ago

Hi, @OmaritoAtPoly. I see you are still working in Data Fetching (you created a Draft Pull Request). Once you are done with it you can take another one.

OmaritoAtPoly commented 5 years ago

I'm ready to obtain a new task.

zant commented 5 years ago

Please review #243 External Resources.

I would like to contribute with External Resources.

carburo commented 5 years ago

Hi, @gonzarodriguezt! You got it.

RamirezAlex commented 5 years ago

Oh!!! I see I still have Conferences, I will send it soonish. Sorry about that.

jmmendivil commented 4 years ago

I would like to help with Component Workbenches

carburo commented 4 years ago

Welcome, @jmmendivil! You got it!

jmmendivil commented 4 years ago

Component Workbenches is ready for review on #311

jpmti2016 commented 4 years ago

Hi @carburo, if you need more help with the Spanish translation please let me know. I see that conference, articles and videos would be not translated yet.

carburo commented 4 years ago

Hi @jpmti2016, thank you for reaching out! Yes, we do need help in translating more content. You can take any of the available pages, just let us know in a comment. There is also an open issue (#201) for all the blog posts.

jpmti2016 commented 4 years ago

@carburo I take articles and videos for now.

carburo commented 4 years ago

@jpmti2016 Great, thanks! They're yours

jpmti2016 commented 4 years ago

@carburo Tengo dudas sobre cuál es el repo sobre el que debo hacer fork y cuál clonar, pues el punto 5 de los prerequisitos apunta a

Ya tengo lista la traduccion de la página de artículos. La hize sobre el repo, pero algo me dice que debería trabajar con (el repo de la traducción en español) y hacer push and PR sobre este último.

carburo commented 4 years ago

@jpmti2016 Sí, es la segunda opción. Debes hacer el fork al repositorio de la documentación en español: Creas una rama en ese fork y haces el PR desde allí.

jpmti2016 commented 4 years ago

@carburo I made 2 PR para videos and articles respectively

jean182 commented 4 years ago

I will be translating conferences, since I'm not seeing any translation for this and there's no recent comments for translating it.

jean182 commented 4 years ago

Here's the PR for the conferences translation:

d4vsanchez commented 3 years ago

Is the conferences translation made by #361 not deployed? Looking at I noticed that the website is still in English.

carburo commented 3 years ago

@d4vsanchez No, nunca llegó a mezclarse. Casi de forma inmediata tuvo conflictos con la rama principal. Esta página se actualiza con relativa regularidad y el contenido traducible se limita sobre todo a las fechas. El problema no es traducirla, sino el costo de mantenerla actualizada. A menos que la solución incluya un proceso al menos semiautomático no creo que los beneficios superen los costos.