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(Work in progress) React documentation website in Indonesian
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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New Indonesian Translation Progress #330

Open gaearon opened 1 year ago

gaearon commented 1 year ago

For New Translators

To translate a page:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your page in the linked issues below.
  2. Comment on the linked issue that you would like to translate said page. Please take only one page at a time.
  3. Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!

Before contributing, read the glossary and translation guidelines to understand how to translate various technical and React-specific terms.

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit anymore, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

Make sure to link to the exact page being translated on the first comment of the issue. Ex:


When PRs are created, make sure that it's linked to the correct issue! This will make sure the issue is closed automatically when the PR is merged.

This ensures your translation's progress is tracked correctly at

Main Content

To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.

Note that each section has an index page, which needs to be translated too.

Learn React (High Priority)

API Reference (High Priority)

Navigation and UI (Medium Priority)

We suggest to leave most of the UI translation until the end. We plan to do some invasive changes to the website folder layout and components, so postponing this until your translation is almost complete would make it easier to merge the changes from our side later. It might make sense to translate the homepage above the fold early, but leave the rest for later. As individual pages get translated, you can change the page titles in the corresponding sidebar files. Finally, when you're translating the navigation, make sure to test both desktop and mobile layouts.

When You're Ready...

After everything above is translated, add your language to deployedLanguages in Seo.tsx of the original reactjs/ repository.

Secondary Content (Medium Priority)

These API pages should ideally be translated too, but they're less urgent and can be done after the others:

Optional Content (Low Priority)

These aren't the main translation targets, but if you'd like to do them, feel free to expand the list to include their subpages:


This translation is maintained by:

If you want to become a maintainer, ask them to add you. If the original maintainers are no longer responsive, raise an issue in the main translations repository.

JfrAziz commented 1 year ago

Hello @resir014 , can I contribute to Managing State > Reacting to Input with State?

milhamm commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014. I would like to contribute to useLayoutEffect

intanirnanda5796 commented 1 year ago

hi @resir014, can i contribute to useCallback ?

vhermawan commented 1 year ago

hi @resir014, i'm interesting to contribute. May i help to translate Render and Commit ?

resir014 commented 1 year ago

I saw that i was assign to react-dom: Components -> Common (e.g. <div>) ?

@AudiWu Sorry! You have the correct page now.

ilham89 commented 1 year ago

hi @resir014 , can I contribute to API Reference > react-dom > Component > progress?

resir014 commented 1 year ago

Also, morning everyone! I've sorted out through all requests for page claims, and you should all be assigned to the correct pages. If something is wrong, let me know!

dzakiafif commented 1 year ago

hi @resir014, can i contribute to Managing State > Choosing the State Structure ?

krowter commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014. I'm interested in translating Adding Interactivity > State: A Component's Memory. Thank you

xevorte commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, may i contribute to API Reference > Hooks > useRef ? Thanks!

brandon-julio-t commented 1 year ago

Hi, @resir014, I'm interested in translating Updating Objects in State. May I contribute? Thank you.

thaddeuscleo commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, i'm interested in translating Extracting State Logic into a Reducer. May i participate for translating those section? Thank you

ridhlab commented 1 year ago

Hi, @resir014, I'm interested in translating Passing Data Deeply with Context. May I contribute? Thank you.

lionelritchie29 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @resir014 , I am interested in translating State as a Snapshot. May I contribute to the translation ? Thank you

AndriP8 commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 , I'm interested to contribute, may I translate the Hooks > useId page ?

R1dwanMaulana commented 1 year ago

hi Mas @resir014 , can I contribute to

  1. Managing State > Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
  2. useEffect


rvndaputra commented 1 year ago

hi @resir014, I'd like to contribute to the translation of Reusing Logic with Custom Hooks. may i help with the translation? thank you

yehezkielgunawan commented 1 year ago

Hi mas @resir014, I'd like to contribute to translating the react-dom: Components overview page. May I?

If it has taken before, can I contribute for translating the react-dom: Components -> <input> page?

Thank you.

rimuhamu commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, I would like to contribute to translate react: Components -> <Profiler> page.


dhafitf commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014. I would like to contribute to Updating Arrays in State. Thanks.

resir014 commented 1 year ago

I've done the second round of assigning pages for those who already claimed them above. Happy translating!

r17x commented 1 year ago

@resir014 Need update description (this issue) for task #352 forwardRef & #351 useContext (assignee to me & linked PRs)

annisann commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, I'd like to contribute to useMemo. Thanks! :)

rimuhamu commented 1 year ago

@resir014 I think you assign the wrong page to @dhafitf

yaffalhakim1 commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 is it ok if i do more translation? if yes i would like to translate Sharing State Between Components. Thank you

mrevanzak commented 1 year ago

hi @resir014, can I contribute to Queueing a Series of State Updates

ramadanriz commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 I want to contribute to react-dom component "select". Thank You

rivldy commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, I'd like to contribute translating the Reference > Hooks > useReducer page. ^_^

hendraaagil commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014. I would like to contribute to Managing State > Preserving and Resetting State. Thanks.

lauslim12 commented 1 year ago

Good evening @resir014, I would like to contribute for startTransition. Thank you!

dickygiancini commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 , right now I'm still learning react but I would love to help and contribute translating useTransition , is it possible for me? Thank you in advance!

FelixFern commented 1 year ago

Hello @resir014, I really would love to contribute to this project, can I help in translating the Sharing State Between Components page? if it's assigned to someone else, can i help in translating the Preserving and Resetting State page? Thank you in advance!

maulanasdqn commented 1 year ago

I would like to translate the "Suspense" page under the React Component section

milhamm commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 I would like to contribute also to react-dom/client: Client APIs page

shaddamalbz commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 , i would like to contribute on Sharing State Between Components page

zaynhakim commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 , I would like to contribute on renderToPipeableStream page

mhaidarhanif commented 1 year ago

@resir014 (This is the situation as per 27 April 2023, there might be new updates below)

We might need to confirm progress with PR for these because some are approaching/nearly 3 days elapsed after the initial assignment. Also want to ask why for some of the assigned, their request comments are not found (their own comments when requesting, meanwhile the updates in the original post are fine).

The goal is to make sure the availability of existing assignees and unblock new translators who want to take the previously assigned pages. Also to make sure we follow the guideline in the original post by @gaearon: Please take only one page at a time.

I've made sure to recheck the open and closed PR lists.

Learn React (High Priority)

API Reference (High Priority)

irsyaadbp commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, I'd like to contribute to translating the Referencing Values with Refs page

Safiqq commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 I'd like to contribute to translate the react-dom/server: Server APIs page

ceavinrufus commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 I'd like to contribute to translate the renderToStaticMarkup page

resir014 commented 1 year ago

The goal is to make sure the availability of existing assignees and unblock new translators who want to take the pages. Also to make sure we follow the guideline in the original post by gaearon: Please take only one page at a time.

@mhaidarhanif Yep, that's what I'm doing. ATM I'm letting them take a new one once they have a PR ready.

hilmibaskara commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 I'd like to contribute to translate to renderToStaticNodeStream page

mhaidarhanif commented 1 year ago

@mhaidarhanif Yep, that's what I'm doing. ATM I'm letting them take a new one once they have a PR ready.

@resir014 Got it 👍

adamcanray commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014, may I translate theuseDeferredValue page?

resir014 commented 1 year ago

I think you assign the wrong page to @dhafitf

@rimuhamu Indeed, sorry! At the moment since the new maintainers don't have access to the repo (yet), only I have the ability to update the first post, so mistakes like this tend to happen. 😓

resir014 commented 1 year ago

Hello @resir014, I really would love to contribute to this project, can I help in translating the Sharing State Between Components page? if it's assigned to someone else, can i help in translating the Preserving and Resetting State page? Thank you in advance!

@FelixFern Hi, those two pages have been claimed. Do you mind claiming another page?

resir014 commented 1 year ago

Hi @resir014 , i would like to contribute on Sharing State Between Components page

Hi @shaddamalbz, that page has been claimed. Would you like to claim another page?

FelixFern commented 1 year ago

Hello @resir014, I really would love to contribute to this project, can I help in translating the Sharing State Between Components page? if it's assigned to someone else, can i help in translating the Preserving and Resetting State page? Thank you in advance!

@FelixFern Hi, those two pages have been claimed. Do you mind claiming another page?

Thanks for the reply! yes I wouldn't mind at all, how about the Referencing Values with Refs page? is it claimed yet?

resir014 commented 1 year ago

Hello @resir014, I really would love to contribute to this project, can I help in translating the Sharing State Between Components page? if it's assigned to someone else, can i help in translating the Preserving and Resetting State page? Thank you in advance!

@FelixFern Hi, those two pages have been claimed. Do you mind claiming another page?

Thanks for the reply! yes I wouldn't mind at all, how about the Referencing Values with Refs page? is it claimed yet?

@FelixFern Yes, you can!

Your next page will be: Referencing Values with Refs Nevermind, see below

mhaidarhanif commented 1 year ago

@resir014 @FelixFern Referencing Values with Refs was requested by @irsyaadbp 2 hours ago:

Since it's just assigned to @FelixFern, therefore @irsyaadbp has to request a different one.

@irsyaadbp can still take the page then