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용어: Directive #819

Open da-in opened 7 months ago

da-in commented 7 months ago

논의하고자 하는 용어

Directive, Directives

해당 용어가 등장하는 원문의 문장

API Reference에 Directive가 추가되었습니다.

Hook 처럼 번역하지 않는 것이 좋을지 논의하면 좋을 것 같습니다.

Directives provide instructions to bundlers compatible with React Server Components.

To import a Server Action from client code, the directive must be used on a module level.

논의가 완료된 후에 아래 내용을 업데이트 해주세요

HwangSunBeom commented 7 months ago

관련 내용이 에서도 등장해 함께 이야기되면 좋을 것 같습니다.

When a 'use client' file is imported from another client file, the directive has no effect.

To reduce client bundle size and take full advantage of the server, move state (and the 'use client' directives) lower in the tree when possible, and pass rendered server components as children to client components.

Because props are serialized across the server–client boundary, note that the placement of these directives can affect the amount of data sent to the client; avoid data structures that are larger than necessary.

Directives like 'use client' must be at the very beginning of a file, above any imports or other code (comments above directives are OK). They must be written with single or double quotes, not backticks. (The 'use xyz' directive format somewhat resembles the useXyz() Hook naming convention, but the similarity is coincidental.)

gnujoow commented 5 months ago

Directives provide instructions to bundlers compatible with React Server Components.

Directives가 서버 혹은 클라이언트에서 실행되는지 지시해주는 계념으로 이해합니다. "지시어"로 번역을 해보면 어떨까 제안합니다.